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Exchange rates and the choice of ownership structure of production facilities
Kouvelis Panos
The aim of this research is to study the effects of real exchange rates on the...
Analysis of a forecasting–production–inventory system with stationary demand
Wein Lawrence M.
We consider a production stage that produces a single item in a make-to-stock manner....
Optimal operating policies for multiplant stochastic manufacturing systems in a changing environment
Li Lode
This paper addresses the horizontal coordination between production units located in...
A coordinated production planning model with capacity expansion and inventory management
Rajagopalan Sampath
Motivated by a problem faced by a large manufacturer of a consumer product, we explore...
Make to order or make to stock: Model and application
Rajagopalan S.
Some firms make all their products to order while others make them to stock. There are...
Managing capacity and inventory jointly in manufacturing systems
Glynn Peter W.
In this paper, we develop approximations that yield insight into the joint...
Simultaneous capacity and production management of short-life-cycle, produce-to-stock goods under stochastic demand
Porteus Evan L.
This paper derives the optimal simultaneous capacity and production plan for a...
Process and product improvement in manufacturing systems with correlated stages
Wright Gordon P.
Manufacturing systems typically contain processing and assembly stages whose output...
Multistage production to order with rework capability
Gerchak Yigal
This study considers multistage production systems where defective units can be...
Solving multi-item lot-sizing problems with a mixed integer programming solver using classification and reformulation
Wolsey Laurence A.
Based on research on the polyhedral structure of lot-sizing models over the last 20...
Organization structure from a loose coupling perspective: A multidimensional approach
Beekun Rafik I.
Organizational theories frequently rely on notions of sharing and dependence among...
On maximizing the net present value of a project under renewable resource constraints
Herroelen Willy
In this paper we study the resource-constrained project-scheduling problem with...
On uncertainty, ambiguity, and complexity in project management
Loch Christoph H.
This article develops a model of a project as a payoff function that depends on the...
The relationship between initial quality perceptions and maintenance behavior: The case of the automotive industry
Matta Khalil F.
We examine the relationship between quality, represented by consumer ratings, and...
Reinventing warranty at Hewlett-Packard: An engineering approach to warranty
Cargille Brian
The mechanisms used to understand and reduce warranty costs often focus exclusively on...
On the performance quality of repairable systems
Finkelstein M.S.
The quality of a system operation is characterized by decreases in time deterministic...
The critical few minutes in scheduling time-varying queuing systems
Martinich Joseph S.
For nonstationary queuing systems where demand varies over time, an important...
Optimal pricing that coordinates queues with customer-chosen service requirements
Ha Albert Y.
This article considers the problem of coordinating the admission rates and service...
Adaptive behavior of impatient customers in tele-queues: Theory and empirical support
Mandelbaum Avishai
We address the modeling and analysis of abandonments from a queue that is invisible to...
Fast permutation routing in a class of interconnection networks
Elmallah Ehab S.
This paper considers the following permutation routing problem: Given an N × N...
Network fair bandwidth share using hash rate estimation
Li Jung-Shian
In this paper, we evaluate the effectiveness of the current active queue management...
Links and impacts: The influence of public research on industrial R&D
Cohen Wesley M.
In this paper, we use data from the Carnegie Mellon Survey on industrial R&D to...
A comparison of US and European university–industry relations in the life sciences
Owen-Smith Jason
We draw on diverse data sets to compare the institutional organization of upstream...
Neuronal substrates for choice under ambiguity, risk, gains, and losses
Smith Kip
Economic forces shape the behavior of individuals and institutions. Forces affecting...
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