Impact of interruptions on schedule execution in flexible manufacturing systems

Impact of interruptions on schedule execution in flexible manufacturing systems

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Article ID: iaor20032745
Country: United States
Volume: 14
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 319
End Page Number: 344
Publication Date: Oct 2002
Journal: International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Authors: ,
Keywords: scheduling

Finite capacity scheduling software packages provide a detailed advance plan of production events. However, the execution of this advance plan is disrupted by a myriad of unanticipated interruptions, such as machine breakdowns, yield variations, and hot jobs. The alternatives available to respond to such interruptions include modifying the existing schedule, regenerating the complete schedule, or doing nothing and letting the production system gradually absorb the impact of the interruption. This article reports on a simulation study aimed at understanding the impact of an interruption on a schedule in order to build a knowledge base for intelligent selection of a response from a set of alternatives. The results of the experimental study are used to identify significant major factors and their interactions. The results are discussed to draw insights into the performance of a flexible manufacturing system following an interruption. The causes leading to particular performance anomalies are extensively discussed and mechanisms for propagation and absorption of the effect of interruptions in manufacturing systems are inferred. Practical implications for the development and implementation of schedules are deduced and areas for further research proposed. This study provides the groundwork necessary to proceed with the development of strategies for responding to interruptions.


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