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Found 17049 papers in total
The throughput of irreducible closed Markovian queueing networks: Functional bounds, asymptotic loss, efficiency, and the Harrison–Wein conjectures
Let N be the population of an irreducible closed Markovian queueing network, and...
A homological characterization of Q-matrices
A real square matrix M is said to be a e-matrix if the linear complementarity problem...
Option pricing with a general marked point process
This paper examines the impact of a random number of price changes on the options...
Achieving target state-action frequencies in multichain average-reward Markov decision processes
In this paper we address a basic problem that arises naturally in average-reward...
The complexity of decentralized control of Markov decision processes
We consider decentralized control of Markov decision processes and give complexity...
A note on the convergence of policy iteration in Markov decision processes with compact action spaces
The undiscounted, unichain, finite state Markov decision process with compact action...
Perfect and ideal 0, +/− 1 matrices
A 0, +/−1 matrix A is said to be perfect (resp. ideal) if the corresponding...
On the rank of extreme matrices in semidefinite programs and the multiplicity of optimal eigenvalues
We derive some basic results on the geometry of semidefinite programming (SDP) and...
The stable allocation (or ordinal transportation) problem
The stable allocation problem generalizes the 0,1 stable matching problems...
Scaling methods for finding a maximum free multiflow of minimum cost
Suppose we are given an undirected graph with nonnegative integer-valued edge...
Faster algorithms for the generalized network flow problem
We consider the generalized network flow problem. Each arc e in the network has a gain...
A polynomial combinatorial algorithm for generalized minimum cost flow
We propose the first combinatorial solution to the generalized minimum cost flow...
Polynomial-time highest-gain augmenting path algorithms for the generalized circulation problem
The paper presents two new combinatorial algorithms for the generalized circulation...
A fast parametric submodular intersection algorithm for strong map sequences
This paper presents a fast algorithm to solve the intersection problem for a pair of...
Global error bounds for convex multifunctions and applications
We give some results on the existence of global error bounds for convex multifunctions...
Modeling expert problem solving in a game of chance: A Yahtzee(C) case study
Although developments on software agents have led to useful applications in automation...
Classification of acceptance criteria for the simulated annealing algorithm
We present a complete and explicit description of the class of all acceptance criteria...
A Monte Carlo approach to calculating probabilities for continuous identity by descent data
Two related individuals are identical by descent at a genetic locus if they share the...
On the existence of subjective upper and lower probabilities
Consistency between preference under uncertainty modeled by Choquet expected utility...
Self-scaled barriers and interior-point methods for convex programming
This paper provides a theoretical foundation for efficient interior-point algorithms...
Asymptotic analysis for penalty and barrier methods in convex and linear programming
We consider a wide class of penalty and barrier methods for convex programming which...
On Vaidya's volumetric cutting plane method for convex programming
We describe a simplified and strengthened version of Vaidya's volumetric cutting plane...
Hyperbolic polynomials and interior point methods for convex programming
Hyperbolic polynomials have their origins in partial differential equations. We show...
Hybrid artificial intelligence approach to urban planning
Knowledge-based modeling and implementation of the various urban planning proceses...
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