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Found 17049 papers in total
Constraint aggregation in infinite-dimensional spaces and applications
An aggregation technique for constraints with values in Hilbert spaces is suggested....
On the throughput of a resource sharing model
A stochastic model of a parallel system with synchronization constraints is analyzed...
How stringent is the linear independence assumption for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints?
The linear independence constraint qualifications (LICQ) plays an important role in...
Modeling, scheduling and control of flexible manufacturing systems by extended high-level evaluation Petri nets
This paper proposes an extended high level evaluation Petri net (EHLEP-N) for modeling...
An epsilon-out-of-kilter method for monotropic programming
The out-of-kilter method was first proposed by Fulkerson for linear-cost network flow...
Global methods for nonlinear complementarity problems
Global methods for nonlinear complementarity problems formulate the problem as a...
Properties of an interior-point mapping for mixed complementarity problems
Using a unified theory of local homeomorphic maps, we establish some basic properties...
Barrier functions in interior point methods
We show that the universal barrier function of a convex cone introduced by Nesterov...
On a new homotopy continuation trajectory for nonlinear complementarity problems
Most known continuation methods for P 0 complementarity problems require some...
Risk, ambiguity, and the separation of utility and beliefs
We introduce a general model of static choice under uncertainty, arguably the weakest...
Convergence analysis of stochastic algorithms
This paper investigates asymptotic convergence to stationary points of gradient...
Proposing an architectural framework of a hybrid knowledge-based system for production rescheduling
An architectural configuration of a knowledge-based system for production rescheduling...
Developing a neural network approach for intelligent scheduling in GUESS
The generically used expert scheduling system (GUESS) intelligent scheduling toolkit...
On polyhedral approximations of the second-order cone
We demonstrate that a conic quadratic problem, (CQP) --> -->min --> -->x --> -->{e T...
Design of efficient hybrid neural networks for flexible flow shop scheduling
Although neural networks have been successfully used in performing pattern...
A comparison of solution approaches for the fixed-sequence economic lot scheduling problem
The economic lot scheduling problem (ELSP) has received much attention recently. The...
A new and efficient ant-based heuristic method for solving the traveling salesman problem
In this paper, we present an efficient metaheuristic approach for solving the problem...
The symmetric traveling salesman polytope revisited
In this paper we present a tour of the symmetric traveling salesman polytope, focusing...
A resource-based view of strategic Information Technology alignment: How knowledge sharing creates competitive advantage
A critical decision problem for top management, and the focus of this study, is...
The impact of information system personnel skill discrepancies on stakeholder satisfaction
System development efforts depend to a large degree upon how well information systems...
On the pathwise optimal Bernoulli routing policy for homogeneous parallel servers
A long-standing conjecture on the optimal Bernoulli routing policy is proven to be...
Diffusion approximations for some multiclass queueing networks with first-in-first-out service disciplines
The diffusion approximation is proved for a class of multiclass queueing networks...
Periodic orbits in a class of re-entrant manufacturing systems
Queue changes associated with each step of a manufacturing system are modeled by...
Buffer requirements and server ordering in a tandem queue with correlated service times
We analyze the intermediate buffer requirements in a tandem queue where service times...
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