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Found 17049 papers in total
Centers of monotone generalized complementarity problems
Let C be a full dimensional, closed, pointed and convex cone in a finite dimensional...
Multi-parameter surfaces of analytic centers and long-step surface-following interior point methods
We develop a long-step polynomial time version of the Method of Analytic Centers for...
On two interior-point mappings for nonlinear semidefinite complementarity problems
Extending our previous work, this paper studies properties of two fundamental mappings...
Shadow prices in infinite-dimensional linear programming
We consider the class of linear programs that can be formulated with infinitely many...
Stability in the discretization of a parametric semi-infinite convex inequality system
In this paper, we consider a parametric family of convex inequality systems in the...
Linear programming formulation for optimal stopping problems
Optimal stopping problems for continuous time Markov processes are shown to be...
Overlapping generations games with mixed strategies
This paper proves a Folk Theorem for overlapping generations games in the case where...
Semismooth Karush–Kuhn–Tucker equations and convergence analysis of Newton and quasi-Newton methods for solving these equations
There are several forms of systems of nonsmooth equations which are equivalent to the...
Asymptotically efficient adaptive strategies in repeated games. (2). Asymptotic optimality
This paper continues the analysis of a dynamic decision problem modeled as a...
Free-steering relaxation methods for problems with strictly convex costs and linear constraints
We consider dual coordinate ascent methods for minimizing a strictly convex (possibily...
Proximity of information in games with incomplete information
Existing notions of proximity of information fail to satisfy desired continuity...
Averaging schemes for variational inequalities and systems of equations
We study averaging methods for solving variational inequalities whose underlying maps...
The limit distribution of pure strategy Nash equilibria in symmetric bimatrix games
In a ‘random’ symmetric bimatrix game, let X and Y represent the numbers...
Necessary optimality conditions for optimization problems with variational inequality constraints
In this paper we study optimization problems with variational inequality constraints...
The modified nucleolus as canonical representation of weighted majority games
A new solution concept for cooperative transferable utility games is introduced, which...
Alpha-convex sets and strong quasiconvexity
A major property of continuous strong convex functions is that they are inf-compact;...
Computing the nucleolus by solving a prolonged simplex algorithm
This paper describes a fast algorithm to find the nucleolus of any game with a...
Robust control via sequential semidefinite programming
This paper discusses nonlinear optimization techniques in robust control synthesis,...
A subgame property of stable equilibria
Stable sets project onto stable sets of subgames in the following sense: stable sets...
Decomposition and representation of coalitional games
A coalition game is a real-valued set function ν defined on an algebra F of subsets...
Recursive repeated games with absorbing states
We show the existence of stationary limiting average ε-equilibria (ε > 0)...
On two-player repeated games with lack of information on one side and state-independent signalling
We consider two-person undiscounted repeated games with lack of information on one...
Partially symmetric values
We consider spaces of differentiable nonatomic and mixed vector measure games, pNA and...
Nonsymmetric values of nonatomic and mixed games
This paper presents a new unifying approach to the study of nonsymmetric (or quasi-)...
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