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Found 17049 papers in total
Coordination complexity of parallel price-directive decomposition
The general block-angular convex resource sharing problem in K blocks and M...
Homeomorphism conditions for coherently oriented piecewise affine mappings
This article is mainly concerned with the homeomorphism problem for piecewise affine...
Second-order necessary conditions for the infinite-horizon variational problems
We give new proofs of first-order and second-order necessary conditions for the...
A weak-to-strong convergence principle for Fejer-monotone methods in Hilbert spaces
We consider a wide class of iterative methods arising in numerical mathematics and...
Comparison of regression and neural network models for prediction of inspection profiles for aging aircraft
Currently under phase 2 development by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the...
Analysis of sample-path optimization
Sample-path optimization is a method for optimizing limit functions occurring in...
Noncoercive optimization problems
This paper modifies a recent sufficient condition for the existence of optimal...
Random lower semicontinuous functions: An ergodic theorem
An ergodic theorem for random lsc (lower semicontinuous) functions is obtained by...
First-order optimality conditions for degenerate index sets in generalized semi-infinite optimization
We present a general framework for the derivation of first-order optimality conditions...
Directional-quasi-convexity, asymmetric Schur-convexity and optimality of consecutive partitions
The current paper has the following distinct goals: 1. To generalize standard...
Fully polynomial approximation schemes for single-item capacitated economic lot-sizing problems
NP-hard cases of the single-item capacitated lot-sizing problem have been the topic of...
The crease structure of the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker set in parametric optimization
We study optimization problems depending on a parameter vector y. In particular, we...
Perfect simulation of an inventory model for perishable products
We study an inventory model for perishable products with a critical-number ordering...
On dual convergence of the generalized proximal point method with Bregman distances
The use of generalized distances (e.g., Bregman distances), instead of the Euclidean...
Inventory processes: Quasi-regenerative property, performance evaluation, and sensitivity estimation via simulation
We consider a single–commodity, discrete-time, multiperiod (s,S)- policy...
A note on the existence of optimal policies in total reward dynamic programs with compact action sets
This work deals with Markov decision processes (MDPs) with expected total rewards,...
Conditioning of convex programs from a primal–dual perspective
Given a convex program and its dual, we analyze the conditioning of the...
Subgradients of optimal-value functions in dynamic programming: The case of convex systems without optimal paths
We study the first-order behaviour of the optimal-value function associated to a...
Deterministic near-optimal controls. 2. Dynamic programming and viscosity solution approach
Near-optimization is as sensible and important as optimization for both theory and...
On the Wagner–Whitin lot-sizing polyhedron
We study a family of unbounded polyhedra arising in the study of uncapacitated...
Constrained discounted dynamic programming
This paper deals with constrained optimization of Markov Decision Processes with a...
A model for investments in the natural resource industry with switching costs
We consider a model for investment decisions in the natural resource industry with...
Monitoring the supply of products in a supply chain environment: A fuzzy neural approach
Fuzzy logic principles and nueral networks, both being computational intelligence...
A prototype store choice and location modelling system using Dempster–Shafer theory
This paper concerns the study of destination choice modelling, more specifically...
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