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Found 17049 papers in total
A knowledge-based system for preventive maintenance
This paper presents the development of a knowledge-based system for the evaluation of...
A knowledge-based approach to maintenance project planning
Maintenance issues comprise an important, though frequently overlooked, area of...
Hilbert bases and the facets of special knapsack polytopes
We present a linear description of the 0/1 knapsack polytope for the special case when...
Asymptotic strong duality for bounded integer programming: A logarithmic-exponential dual formulation
A logarithmic-exponential dual formulation is proposed in this paper for bounded...
On the matrix-cut rank of polyhedra
Lovasz and Schrijver described a semidefinite operator for generating strong valid...
Cutting planes and the elementary closure in fixed dimension
The elementary closure P ′ of a polyhedron P is the intersection of P with all...
When does the positive semidefiniteness constraint help in lifting procedures
We study the lift-and-project procedures of Lovasz and Schrijver for 0–1 integer...
Rounding of polytopes in the real number model of computation
Let 𝒜 be a set of m points in ℝ n . We show that the problem of (1 +...
A polynomial primal–dual Dikin-type algorithm for linear programming
In this paper we present a new primal–dual affine scaling method for linear...
Asymptotic behavior of interior-point methods: A view from semi-infinite programming
We study the asymptotic behavior of interior-point methods for linear programming...
A superlinearly convergent infeasible-interior-point algorithm for geometrical LCPs without a strictly complementary condition
Some interior-point algorithms have superlinear convergence. When solving an LCP...
Data mining for selection of insurance sales agents
The insurance industry of Hong Kong has been experiencing steady growth in the last...
Piecewise smoothness, local invertibility, and parametric analysis of normal maps
This paper is concerned with properties of the Euclidean projection map onto a convex...
Dynamic lot size/sequencing policies in a multi-product, single-machine system
This paper is concerned with the modeling and analysis of a single-machine,...
Limiting behavior of the derivatives of certain trajectories associated with a monotone horizontal linear complementarity problem
Given a certain monotone horizontal linear complementarity problem (HLCP), we can...
Lot-splitting decisions and learning effects
We consider a lot-splitting model where the unit manufacturing time follows a learning...
A superlinear infeasible-interior-point algorithm for monotone complementarity problems
We use the globally convergent framework proposed by Kojima, Noma, and Yoshise to...
Lot sizing problems with strong set-up interactions
We address the problem of coordinated replenishment of products when the products can...
Following a ‘balanced’ trajectory from an infeasible point to an optimal linear programming solution with a polynomial-time algorithm
This paper is concerned with the problem of following a trajectory from an infeasible...
Simplex-like trajectories on quasi-polyhedral sets
This paper presents a unified treatment of two new simplex-like methods for linear...
Associative and Jordan algebras, and polynomial time interior-point algorithms for symmetric cones
We present a general framework whereby analysis of interior-point algorithms for...
A relative error tolerance for a family of generalized proximal point methods
We propose a new kind of inexact scheme for a family of generalized proximal point...
Bounds on the performance of a greedy algorithm for probabilities
A bound on the performance of the greedy algorithm for finding the maximum of a...
The vector partition problem for convex objective functions
The partition problem concerns the partitioning of a given set of n vectors in d...
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