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Found 17049 papers in total
To pull or not to pull: what is the question?
The terms pull and lean production have become cornerstones of modern manufacturing...
Effective heuristics for capacitated production planning with multiperiod production and demand with forecast band refinement
In this paper, we extend forecast band evolution and capacitated production modelling...
The minimum range assignment problem on linear radio networks
Given a set S of radio stations located on a line and an integer h ≥ 1, the MIN...
Temporary tasks assignment resolved
Among all basic on-line load balancing problems, the only unresolved problem was load...
Dynamic programming on the word RAM
Dynamic programming is one of the fundamental techniques for solving optimization...
Dynamic programming and pseudo-inverses
Dynamic programming can be used to obtain the generalized inverse of a matrix.
Iterative methods for flexible manufacturing systems
This paper presents an Markovian model for flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs). The...
Revenue management in a dynamic network environment
We investigate dynamic policies for allocating scarce inventory to stochastic demand...
Sensitivity analysis for multi-attribute project selection problems
The selection of projects from a large list of possibilities is a common problem in...
New bounds for multidimensional packing
New upper and lower bounds are presented for a multidimensional generalization of bin...
Dynamic Bayesian quantity control when some customers will accept a substitute
This is an extended abstract of a paper that was a finalist in the Manufacturing and...
Double window acceptance sampling
We introduce the concept of a sequential double window procedure and compare the...
Allocating vendor risks in the Hanford waste cleanup
Organizations may view outsourcing as a way to manage risk. We developed a...
Time-constrained scheduling of weighted packets on trees and meshes
The time-constrained packet routing problem is to schedule a set of packets to be...
Multicast pull scheduling: When fairness is fine
We investigate server scheduling policies to minimize average user perceived latency...
Semi-on-line scheduling on two parallel processors with an upper bound on the items
We study a variant of the on-line scheduling problem on two parallel processors. The...
Problem difficulty for tabu search in job-shop scheduling
Tabu search algorithms are among the most effective approaches for solving the...
Some comments on sequencing with controllable processing items
We discuss sequencing problems on a single machine with controllable job processing...
Scheduling a single server in a two-machine flow shop
We study the problem of scheduling a single server that processes n jobs in a...
Notes on max flow time minimization with controllable processing times
In a scheduling problem with controllable processing times the job processing time can...
Coordinating supply chains by controlling upstream variability propagation
Effective distribution using collaborative fulfillment networks requires coordination...
Minimizing total elapsed time subject to zero total idle time of machines in n × 3 flowshop problem
This paper studies n × 3 flowshop problems when machines are taken on rent. The...
Analysis of algorithms for two-stage flowshops with multi-processor task flexibility
In this article we introduce a 2-machine flowshop with processing flexibility. Two...
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