Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
Modeling of pedestrian delays with pulsed vehicular traffic flow
The phenomenon of the bunching of urban traffic is considered together with a...
Deriving link travel-time distributions via stochastic speed processes
We derive an analytical expression for the cumulative distribution function of travel...
Ship routing and scheduling: status and perspectives
The objective of this paper is to review the current status of ship routing and...
Spatial complexity and reservoir optimization results
The complexity of a model can significant;ly affect its cost of development, ease of...
Optimal balace between land development and groundwater conservation in an uncertain coastal environment
An optimization problem for balancing land carrying capacity and groundwater...
Water reservoir control with data mining
This paper describes the development of a general operating policy for a water supply...
Conjunctive-management models for sustained yield of stream–aquifer systems
Conjunctive-management models that couple numerical simulation with linear...
Fuzzy logic spatial decision support system for urban water management
Urban water management is a demanding decision-making environment where optimal...
Optimization of reservoir management and operation with hedging rules
This research develops a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model that considers...
Simulation and control of chlorine levels in water distribution networks
Chlorine concentration is an important parameter used to assess the quality of water...
Ant colony optimization distribution for design of water systems
During the last decade, evolutionary methods such as genetic algorithms have been used...
Economic-engineering optimization for California water management
An economic-engineering optimization model of California's major water supply system...
Decision support system for adaptive water supply management
Recent advances in computer technology and water resource modeling, availability of...
Evolution of ARMA demand in supply chains
This paper shows that an ARMA demand generates an ARMA order history when ordering...
Optimal pump scheduling in water supply systems with maximum demand charges
The calculation of optimized pump schedules is sometimes complicated by the inclusion...
Optimizing urban water supply headworks using probabilistic search methods
Simulation models in conjunction with synthetic multiple hydro-climate replicates...
Dynamic optimal unit commitment and loading in hydropower systems
The hydropower unit commitment and loading problem represents a complex...
Neural networks and reinforcement learning in control of water systems
In dynamic real-time control (RTC) of regional water systems, a multicriteria...
Multiobjective sampling design for water distribution model calibration
Sampling design (SD) for water distribution systems (WDS) is undoubtedly an important...
Optimal scheduling of multiple chlorine sources in water distribution systems
The specified range of free chlorine residual (between minimum and maximum) in water...
On-line monitoring equipment for wastewater treatment processes: state of the art
A (non-exhaustive) survey of new and existing technologies for the monitoring of...
Bayesian approach for the calibration of models: application to an urban stormwater pollution model
In environmental modelling, estimating the confidence level in conceptual model...
Optimization of the treatment of piggery wastes in water hyacinth ponds
This work investigates the optimal management of water hyacinth ponds for the...
A fuzzy constraint based model for bilateral, multi-issue negotiations in semi-competitive environments
This paper develops a fuzzy constraint based model for bilateral multi-issue...
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