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Found 17049 papers in total
Demand estimation and assortment optimization under substitution: methodology and application
This is an extended abstract of a paper that was a finalist in the Manufacturing and...
Optimal maintenance model for a multistate deteriorating system: a geometric process approach
A monotone process model is introduced for a deteriorating system with k + 1...
Minimizing infinite time horizon discounted cost with mean, variance, and bounded variation controls
We consider an infinite time horizon discounted cost minimization problem for a class...
The outputs estimation of a decision-making unit according to improvement of its efficiency
This paper develops the method presented by Yan et al . In this paper, by using an...
Formulation of fuzzy linear programming as four-objective constrained optimization problems
This paper concerns the solution of fuzzy linear programming (FLP) problems which...
Fuzzy constraint networks for signal pattern recognition
This paper deals with representation and reasoning on information concerning the...
Six sigma and innovation
Innovation is a proven success factor for many firms, specifically 3M. However, some...
Metrics for managing online procurement auctions
Metrics can improve firms' ability to manage online procurement auctions. A key factor...
Decision rules for the Academy Awards versus those for elections
Many researchers have evaluated various decision rules to determine how well they...
Efficiency speed-up strategies for evolutionary computation: fundamentals and fast-GAs
Through identifying the main causes of low efficiency of the currently known...
Controlling the learning process of real-time heuristic search
Real-time search provides an attractive framework for intelligent autonomous agents,...
Stock valuation along a Markov chain
A novel dividend valuation model is put forward by using a Markov chain. The valuation...
Performance optimization of continuous-time Markov control processes based on performance potentials
Average-cost optimization problems for a class of continuous-time Markov control...
A heuristic for Dijkstra's algorithm with many targets and its use in weighted matching algorithms
We consider the single-source many-targets shortest-path (SSMTSP) problem in directed...
Time-dependent, label-constrained shortest path problems with applications
In this paper, we consider a variant of shortest path problems where, in addition to...
Threshold agent networks: an approach to modelling and simulation
Threshold agent networks (TANs), a discretized version of threshold or neural...
Performance implications of assembly work teams
This paper explores the role of selected workforce management practices in developing...
Assessing the impact of alternative manufacturing layouts in a service setting
This paper summarizes the results of a project designed to study and ultimately...
Stochastic Modeling and Optimization
Mass customization vs. mass production: variety and price competition
This is an extended abstract of a paper that was a finalist in the Manufacturing and...
Organic production systems: what the biological cell can teach us about manufacturing
Biological cells run complicated and sophisticated production systems. The study of...
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