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Found 17049 papers in total
Regional industrial identity: Cluster configurations and economic development
We explore the concept of regional industrial identity as an important missing...
A sequential entry problem with forced exits
We consider a continuous time optimal stopping problem with multiple entries and...
Perceived individual collaboration know-how development through information technology-enabled contextualization: Evidence from distributed teams
In today's global market environment, enterprises are increasingly turning to use of...
Lying on the Web: Implications for expert systems redesign
We consider a new variety of sequential information gathering problems that are...
An interactive VBA tool for teaching statistical process control (SPC) and process management issues
With a global emphsis on improved quality, Statistical Process Control (SPC) is an...
Exercises for teaching the analytic hierarchy process
In a related paper, we described the basic concepts that we believe must be covered...
Sensitivity analysis of parameterized variational inequalities
In this paper we discuss local uniqueness, continuity, and differentiability...
On the Lipschitz continuity of the solution map in semidefinite linear complementarity problems
In this paper, we investigate the Lipschitz continuity of the solution map in...
Variational stability and marginal functions via generalized differentiation
Robust Lipschitzian properties of set-valued mappings and marginal functions play a...
Marketing and designing transaction games
Past research reveals an extraordinary number and variety of transaction games, often...
Subgame-perfection in quitting games with perfect information and differential equations
We introduce a new approach to studying subgame-perfect equilibrium payoffs in...
Ultramodular functions
We study the properties of ultramodular functions, a class of functions that...
The consistent coalitional value
We describe a value for nontransferable utility games with coalition structure. This...
Partially ball weakly inf-compact saddle functions
We study on a product Banach space the properties of a class of saddle functions...
An intuitive Markov chain lesson in baseball
One of the biggest challenges when teaching about Markov chains is getting students to...
Large deviations with diminishing rates
The theory of large deviations for jump Markov processes has been generally proved...
On the empirical state–action frequencies in Markov decision processes under general policies
We consider the empirical state–action frequencies and the empirical reward in...
A new complexity result on solving the Markov decision problem
We present a new complexity result on solving the Markov decision problem (MDP) with n...
Topological conditions for uniqueness of equilibrium in networks
Equilibrium flow in a physical network with a large number of users (e.g.,...
Asymptotic behavior of Internet congestion controllers in a many-flows regime
Congestion controllers for the Internet are typically designed based on deterministic...
Efficient algorithms for separated continuous linear programs: The multicommodity flow problem with holding costs and extensions
We give an approximation scheme for separated continuous linear programming problems....
Towards an AoA-free courseware for the critical path method
One of the mysteries of OR/MS teaching is no doubt the AoA vs AoN syndrome. It poses...
Sporadic and continuous clearing policies for a production/inventory system under an M/G demand process
A production/inventory system is filled continuously at rate 1 and satisfies demands...
Explicit solution of a stochastic, irreversible investment problem and its moving threshold
We consider a firm producing a single consumption good that makes irreversible...
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