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Found 17049 papers in total
The choice between joint venture and wholly owned subsidiary: An institutional perspective
The study of foreign entry-mode choice has been based almost exclusively on...
It's about time: Temporal structuring in organizations
In this paper we propose the notion of temporal structuring as a way of understanding...
Interorganizational routines and performance in strategic alliances
This paper applies evolutionary economics reasoning to the strategic alliance context...
External technology sourcing through alliances or acquisations: An analysis of the application-specific integrated circuits industry
In today's turbulent business environment innovation is the result of the interplay...
Incentives and computing systems for team-based organizations: A mathematical and economic analysis
This paper provides a mathematical and economic analysis of ‘Incentives and...
Trust transfer on the World Wide Web
The World Wide Web (WWW) has been touted as providing great opportunities for small...
The use of rewards to increase and decrease trust: Mediating processes and differential effects
We test hypotheses asserting that reward structures – an omnipresent element of...
Perceived trustworthiness within the organization: The moderating impact of communication frequency on trustor and trustee effects
This paper investigates the antecedents of intraorganizational trust and, more...
Information processing moderators of the effectiveness of trust-based governance in interfirm R&D collaboration
It is generally assumed that improved outcomes accompany the use of trust as a...
The role of trustworthiness in reducing transaction costs and improving performance: Empirical evidence from the United States, Japan and Korea
In this paper we investigate the relationship between supplier trust in the buyer and...
Contextual confidence and active trust development in the Chinese business environment
This paper contributes to the conceptual and empirical understanding of organizational...
Levels of organizational trust in individualist versus collectivist societies: A seven-nation study
Competitiveness in global industries increasingly requires the ability to develop...
Trust as an organizing principle
Although research on trust in an organizational context has advanced considerably in...
The dynamics of innovative activity and competitive advantage: The case of Australian retail banking, 1981–1995
This study examines the adoption of new products and processes in the Australian...
Racial homophily and its persistence in newcomers' social networks
This study examined the formation and persistence of homophilous, or same-race,...
Social institutions and work centrality: Explorations beyond national culture
In spite of the popularity of institutional explanations of organizational form, most...
Founder-CEO succession and the paradox of entrepreneurial success
In the last few decades, we have developed a substantial body of knowledge about CEO...
Knowledge retention and personnel mobility: The nondisruptive effects of inflows of experience
Firms often bring in personnel from rivals to gain tacit knowledge and skills....
On the strategic sccumulation of intangible assets
The resource-based view holds that firms can earn supranormal returns if and only if...
Open source software and the ‘private–collective’ innovation model: Issues for organization science
Currently, two models of innovation are prevalent in organization science. The...
Vicarious learning, undersampling of failure, and the myths of management
Organizations learn from other organizations. However, the observations available to...
Getting off to a good start: The effects of upper echelon affiliations on underwriter prestige
The initial public offering (IPO) is one of the most critical events in the lifetime...
Shifting gears, shifting niches: Organizational inertia and change in the evolution of the U.S. automobile industry, 1885–1981
We examine how experiential learning affects organizational change and its...
Re-embedding situatedness: The importance of power relations in learning theory
This paper critically addresses the coherence, reception, and dissemination of...
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