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A discrete adjoint variable method for printed-circuit board computer-aided design
Bakr Mohamed H.
We propose an adjoint-variable method for design sensitivity analysis of printed...
Integer linear programming models for global routing
Vannelli Anthony
Modern integrated circuit design involves the layout of circuits consisting of...
A survey study of factors influencing risk-taking behavior in real-world decisions under uncertainty
Baucells Manel
With the goal of investigating decision making under uncertainty in real-world...
The sensitivity of probability assessments to time units and performer characteristics
Budescu David V.
This paper examines the sensitivity of probability judgments pertaining to real-world...
To Bayes or not to Bayes? A comparison of two classes of models of information aggregation
Budescu David V.
We model the aggregation process used by individual decision makers (DMs) who obtain...
Regions of rationality: Maps for bounded agents
Hogarth Robin M.
An important problem in descriptive and prescriptive research in decision making is to...
Stochastic optimal control for staffing and backlog policies in a two-stage customized service supply chain
Morrice Douglas J.
Motivated by an oilfield services industry case study, we investigate the dynamic...
Methodologies for evaluation of note-based music-retrieval systems
Uitdenbogerd Alexandra L.
There have been many proposed music-retrieval systems, based on a variety of...
A data-mining-based prefetching approach to caching for network storage systems
Sheng Olivia R. Liu
The need for network storage has been increasing rapidly owing to the widespread use...
Optimal synchronization policies for data warehouses
De Prabuddha
The notion of a data warehouse for integrating operational data into a single...
Reconceptualizing system usage: An approach and empirical test
Straub Detmar W.
Although DeLone, McLean, and others insist that system usage is a key variable in...
From IT leveraging competence to competitive advantage in turbulent environments: The case of new product development
Pavlou Paul A.
A burning question for information systems (IS) researchers and practitioners is...
Simulating the spread of a virus in a computer network
Drezner Zvi
In this paper we propose a simulation problem that can be used as an exercise in a...
Discrete optimization by optimal control methods III. The dynamic traveling salesman problem
Sergeev S.
For one of the basic variants of the dynamic minisum traveling salesman problem, a...
An experimental study of random knapsack problems
Beier Rene
The size of the Pareto curve for the bicriteria version of the knapsack problem is...
Variations of the prize-collecting Steiner tree problem
Punnen Abraham P.
The prize-collecting Steiner tree problem is well known to be NP-hard. We consider...
The bi-criteria doubly weighted center-median path problem on a tree
Tamir A.
Given a tree network T with n nodes, let 𝒫 L be the subset of all discrete paths...
Approximation algorithms for channel allocation problems in broadcast networks
Srinivasan Aravind
We study two packing problems that arise in the area of dissemination-based...
Derivation of irrigation water demand functions through linear and non-linear optimisation models: application to an intensively irrigated area in northern Greece
Latinopoulos D.
The growing need for sustainable management of water resources has introduced the...
A multiple objective mathematical model for daily coordinated multi-reservoir operation
Kim J.
In order to analyze and determine the daily release decisions of each dam in...
Optimization model for the Aguas Group drinking water production and main distribution network
Bianchi F.M.
A model based on mixed-integer network optimization is developed and applied to the...
A study on appropriate investment of pipeline rehabilitation for water distribution network
Koizumi A.
In Japan most of the water distribution networks were constructed during the 1960s to...
Rehabilitation of water networks: analysis of the decision making processes
Torterotot J.P.
The European Project CARE-W (Computer Aided Rehabilitation of Water Networks), which...
Applications of artificial neural networks in integrated water management: fiction or future?
Wolf H.
An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is nowadays recognized as a very promising tool for...
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