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An investigation of the use of goal programming to fit response surfaces
Taha Hamdy A.
This paper deals with the development and implementation of goal programming models...
A mathematical programming model for system reconfiguration in a dynamic cellular manufacturing environment
Chen Mingyuan
In a dynamic manufacturing environment, manufacturing cell configurations based on...
The application of a tabu search metaheuristic to the assembly line balancing problem
Chiang Wen-Chyuan
This paper describes the application of tabu search, a metaheuristic technique for...
Dimensionality representation of linear discriminant function space for the multiple-group problem: An MIP approach
Pavur Robert
This paper proposes a new mathematical programming approach to represent the...
Solving mixed integer classification problems by decomposition
Rubin Paul A.
Research into the accuracy of mixed integer programming models for discrimination and...
Multi-level, single-machine lot sizing and scheduling (with initial inventory)
Kimms A.
This paper presents a mixed-integer program for the dynamic lot sizing and scheduling...
Constrained discriminant analysis via 0/1 mixed integer programming
Gallagher Richard J.
A nonlinear 0/1 mixed integer programming model is presented for a constrained...
On the robustness of the bowl phenomenon
So Kut C.
The bowl phenomenon provides a way of increasing the throughput of some production...
A mixed integer programming algorithm for minimizing the training sample misclassification cost in two-group classification
Stam Antonie
In this paper, we introduce the Divide and Conquer (D&C) algorithm, a...
Optimal batch size and raw material ordering policy for a production system with a fixed-interval, lumpy demand delivery system
Sarker Bhaba R.
The paper develops an ordering policy for raw materials, to meet the demands of a...
A two-stage least cost credit scoring model
Wagner Bret J.
A least cost two-stage credit scoring model is developed and evaluated. The model is...
Examination of the classificatory performance of MIP models with secondary goals for the two-group discriminant problem
Pavur Robert
This paper examines the classificatory performance of several two-goal mathematical...
Experimental evaluation of the classificatory performance of mathematical programming approaches to the three-group discriminant problem: The case of small samples
Pavur Robert
Although there have been several journal articles on the classificatory performance of...
Design of a simulation library for Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
Pollatschek M.A.
It is now feasible to include simulations in CIM systems, where the simulation is but...
Loading pallets with non-identical items
Bischoff E.E.
This paper addresses what has been called the ‘Distributor's Pallet Packing...
Analytical approach of determining job division in manual assembly systems
Zulch Gert
Requirements upon modern production systems have changed considerably. One of the main...
Packing different-sized circles into a rectangular container
George John A.
This paper is motivated by the problem of fitting pipes of different diameters into a...
Manufacturing blocking discipline: A multi-critierion approach for buffer allocations
Andijani A.A.
In this paper, a single-item, multi-stage, serial production system is considered....
Average shadow price in a Mixed Integer Linear Programming problem
Crema Alejandro
Recently a new concept of shadow price, the average shadow price, based on the average...
A heuristic for solving mixed-model line balancing problems with stochastic task durations and parallel stations
Frazier Gregory V.
This paper describes an approach for solving a mixed-model assembly line-balancing...
A special class parametric of knapsack problems: Analytic aids and heuristics
White D.J.
This paper deals with a knapsack problem of very special form with a variable...
Simulation analysis of pull–push system for an electronic assembly line
Savsar Mehmet
This study deals with simulation modeling and analysis of an electronic assembly line....
An expanding-core algorithm for the exact 0–1 Knapsack Problem
Pisinger David
A new branch-and-bound algorithm for the exact solution of the 0–1 Knapsack...
Productivity and flexibility: Fundamental relations between two major properties and performance measures of the production system
Olhager Jan
A number of different definitions have been given to the concept of productivity, all...
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