Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
A sequential quadratic programming method for general nonlinear programs using only equality constrained subproblems
In this paper we describe a new version of a sequential equality constrained quadratic...
A bundle–Newton method for nonsmooth unconstrained minimization
An algorithm based on a combination of the polyhedral and quadratic approximation is...
Multi-depot vehicle scheduling problems with time windows and waiting costs
The multi-depot vehicle scheduling problem with time windows consists of scheduling a...
Decision modelling of diversified project selection
A decision model for a multi-criterion, multi-decision-maker project selection problem...
Landscapes, operators and heuristic search
Heuristic search methods have been increasingly applied to combinatorial optimization...
On-line approximation algorithms for scheduling tasks on identical machines with extendable working time
We study the on-line problem of assigning tasks to identical machines whose regular...
Minimizing maximum absolute lateness and range of lateness under generalized due dates on a single machine
We investigate the problems of minimizing the maximum absolute lateness and range of...
Scheduling in job shops with machine breakdowns: An experimental study
This paper considers the simulation-based analysis of dispatching rules for scheduling...
Scheduling flowshops with finite buffers and sequence-dependent setup times
In this paper we explore flowshop scheduling problems containing both...
A new triangular fuzzy Johnson algorithm
Scheduling consists mainly of allocating resources to jobs over time under necessary...
A two-phased approach to setting due-dates in single machine job shops
This paper explores the characteristics of job flow time distributions resulting from...
Approximability of flow shop scheduling
Shop scheduling problems are notorious for their intractability, both in theory and...
Makespan minimization in open shops: A polynomial time approximation scheme
In this paper, we demonstrate the existence of a polynominal time approximation scheme...
Minimizing average completion time in the presence of release dates
A natural and basic problem in scheduling theory is to provide good average quality of...
Scheduling uniform machines on-line requires nondecreasing speed ratios
We consider the following on-line scheduling problem. We have to schedule n...
Sequencing jobs that require common resources on a single machine: A solvable case of the traveling salesman problem
In this paper a one-machine scheduling model is analyzed where n different jobs are...
Approximation algorithms for two-machine flow shop scheduling with batch setup times
In many practical situations, batching of similar jobs to avoid setups is performed...
Scheduling by positional completion times: Analysis of a two-stage flow shop problem with a batching machine
We consider a scheduling problem introduced by Ahmadi et at ., batching and scheduling...
Volatility and agent adaptability in a self-organizing market
We present results for the so-called ‘bar-attendance’ model of market...
The Steiner tree problem with hop constraints
The Steiner tree problem in graphs is to determine a minimum cost subgraph of a given...
Packing algorithms for arborescences (and spanning trees) in capacitated graphs
In a digraph with real-valued edge capacities, we pack the greatest number of...
An exact algorithm for a milk tanker scheduling and sequencing problem
In rural areas, milk tankers collect milk from farms for processing at a central base....
On performance potentials and conditional Monte Carlo for gradient estimation for Markov chains
We consider the problem of sample path-based gradient estimation for long-run...
New optimality cuts for a single-vehicle stochastic routing problem
In the Vehicle Routing literature, investigations have concentrated on problems in...
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