Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Modelling and forecasting the money demand in China: Cointegration and nonlinear analysis
This paper deals with the demand for money, including narrow money ( M 1 ) and broad...
A new approach to integrating mixed integer programming and constraint logic programming
This paper represents an integration of Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) and Constraint...
Measuring the timing ability of mutual fund managers
This paper discusses the ARCH (Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity) effect...
Base polytopes of series–parallel posets: Linear description and optimization
We define the base polytope B(P,g) of a partially ordered set P and a supermodular...
On quadratic convergence of the O(√(n)L)-iteration homogeneous and self-dual linear programming algorithm
In this paper, we show that Ye–Todd–Mizuno's O(√(n)L) -iteration...
Procedures for the evaluation of conflicts in rankings of alternatives
A critical problem in decision analysis is how to evaluate the difference between two...
Aggregation of spatial units in linear programming models to explore land use options
Quantitative information on land use can be confronted with social, economic and...
Forecasting presidential elections using history and polls
We develop a method for efficiently using current poll data to update election...
Using state polls to forecast presidential election outcomes in the American states
This paper presents a simple forecasting model for state-level presidential outcomes,...
Toward stability in presidential forecasting: The development of a multiple indicator model
Most election forecasting models rely on single indicators for such complex variables...
Local votes, national forecasts – using local government by-elections in Britain to estimate party support
In the wake of the debacle suffered by the opinion polls at the 1992 British general...
Polls fail in France: Forecasts of the 1997 legislative election
In France, political observers and politicians pay considerable attention to public...
Voters as forecasters: A micromodel of election prediction
Much presidential election forecasting research employs macromodels based on national...
Forecasting long memory left–right political orientations
This paper considers out-of-sample forecasting of left–right political...
Impact of dynamic decision making on hub-and-spoke freight transportation networks
Hub-and-spoke freight transportation networks use consolidation as a means to achieve...
Estimation of the most likely equilibrium traffic queueing pattern in a capacity constrained network
Network equilibrium models have recently been enhanced by explicitly incorporating...
Fuzzy development of crisp activity relationship charts for facilities layout
The traditional activity relationship chart (ARC) represents closeness ratings among...
Random sampling and greedy sparsification for matroid optimization problems
Random sampling is a powerful tool for gathering information about a group by...
Optimisation of irregular multiprocessor computer architectures using genetic algorithms
Many problems today need the computing power that is only available by using...
A note on Toyota's goal of sequencing mixed models on an assembly line
Toyota's goal of sequencing mixed models on an assembly line is to keep the constant...
Sequential quality control in batch manufacturing
The objective of this article is to present an expository overview of our recent...
Using OPTRANS object as a KB-DSS development environment for designing DSS for production management
In this paper we briefly recall the objectives of knowledge-based decision support...
A decision support system for power plant design
The design of power plants requires a balanced study of three major considerations,...
A decision support system for urban waste management
This paper describes a decision support system, for urban waste management in a...
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