Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Tensor methods for large sparse systems of nonlinear equations
This paper introduces tensor methods for solving large sparse systems of nonlinear...
Fully copositive matrices
The class of fully copositive ( C f 0 ) matrices is a subclass of fully semimonotone...
Call admission control schemes and asynchronous transfer mode network topological design
Call admission control criteria are not only important for call admission control...
Neural network applications in business: A review and analysis of the literature (1988–95)
A survey of journal articles on neural network business applications published between...
On proving existence of feasible points in equality constrained optimization problems
Various algorithms can compute approximate feasible points or approximate solutions to...
Manpower allocation using genetic annealing
In this paper, we focus on a real size manpower allocation problem. It was modeled...
Multiple bottleneck assignment problem
We consider the multiple bottleneck assignment problem which subsumes the well known...
Iterative bundle-based decomposition for large-scale nonseparable convex optimization
There has been considerable research in solving large-scale separable convex...
A variable-penalty alternating directions method for convex optimization
We study a generalized version of the method of alternating directions as applied to...
Merit functions for semi-definite complementarity problems
Merit functions such as the gap function, the regularized gap function, the implicit...
Error bounds for nondifferentiable convex inequalities under a strong Slater constraint qualification
A global error bound is given on the distance between an arbitrary point in the n...
Perturbation analysis of a condition number for convex inequality systems and global error bounds for analytic systems
In this paper several types of perturbations on a convex inequality system are...
Affine scaling algorithm fails for semidefinite programming
In this paper, we introduce an affine scaling algorithm for semidefinite programming...
A surrogate constraint tabu thresholding implementation for the frequency assignment problem
This paper presents a surrogate constraint tabu thresholding (SCTT) implementation for...
Minimizing symmetric submodular functions
We describe a purely combinatorial algorithm which, given a submodular set function f...
A discrete-time model for perishable inventory systems
We study a discrete-time ( s , S ) perishable inventory model with geometric...
Goal programming for decision making: An overview of the current state-of-the-art
There have been significant advances in the theory of goal programming (GP) in recent...
An efficient algorithm for the Lagrangean dual of nonlinear knapsack problems with additional nested constraints
This paper presents an efficient algorithm for solving the Lagrangean dual of...
Warm start of the primal–dual method applied in the cutting-plane scheme
A practical warm-start procedure is described for the infeasible primal–dual...
Discrete convex analysis
A theory of ‘discrete convex analysis’ is developed for integer-valued...
The parsimonious property of cut covering problems and its applications
We consider the analysis of linear programming relaxations of a large class of...
Fuzzy criterion models for inventory systems with partial backorders
This paper applies fuzzy criterion decision processes to inventory systems with...
A generalized projection quasi-Newton method for nonlinear optimization problems
In this paper, a generalized projection quasi-Newton method with inexact line search...
A class of constraint qualifications in nonsmooth optimization
In this paper, we give a generalized Abadie constraint qualification (CQ) for a class...
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