Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Trust region dogleg path algorithms for unconstrained minimization
In this paper, we propose a class of convenient curvilinear search algorithms to solve...
A modified layered-step interior-point algorithm for linear programming
The layered-step interior-point algorithm was introduced by Vavasis and Ye. The...
Condition measures and properties of the central trajectory of a linear program
Given a data instance d = (A,b,c) of a linear program, we show that certain properties...
New classes of efficiently solvable generalized traveling salesman problems
We consider the n -city traveling salesman problem (TSP), symmetric or asymmetric,...
An improved approximation ratio for the minimum latency problem
Given a tour visiting n points in a metric space, the latency of one of these points p...
Busy periods of two-stage tandem service systems and their algorithmic implementation
Busy periods of finite buffer tandem service systems have not been addressed in the...
Approximate iterations in Bregman-function-based proximal algorithms
This paper establishes convergence of generalized Bregman-function-based proximal...
A multi-class cyclic arrival queue with a single server
Motivated by cyclic scheduling in the presence of random machine failures, this paper...
Generalized semi-infinite optimization: A first order optimality condition and examples
We consider a generalized semi-infinite optimization problem (GSIP) of the form (GSIP)...
On finding an envy-free Pareto-optimal division
This paper describes an algorithm to find an (α-)envy-free Pareto-optimal...
Infeasible-interior-point paths for sufficient linear complementarity problems and their analyticity
In this paper we study the behavior of infeasible-interior-point-paths for solving...
A morphing procedure to supplement a simulated annealing heuristic for cost- and coverage-correlated set-covering problems
We report on the use of a morphing procedure in a simulated annealing (SA) heuristic...
Feature-based assembly modeling and sequence generation
A feature-based model is proposed for assembly sequence planning automation. The...
A homotopy continuation method for solving normal equations
In this paper, we present a continuation method for solving normal equations generated...
Theoretical and numerical investigation of the D-gap function for box constrained variational inequalities
The D-gap function, recently introduced by Peng and further studied by Yamashita et...
Deriving potential functions via a symmetry principle for nonlinear equations
Parameterized homotopy equations that define paths through the interior of the...
Parametric linear programming and cluster analysis
In the cluster analysis problem one seeks to partition a finite set of objects into...
Linear regression estimators for multinormal distributions in optimization of stochastic programming problems
Several linear regression estimators are presented, which approximate the distribution...
Probabilistic linear programming problems with exponential random variables: A technical note
A method for solving probabilistic linear programming problems with exponential random...
Solving stochastic programs with integer recourse by enumeration: A framework using Gröbner basis reductions
In this paper we present a framework for solving stochastic programs with complete...
A branch and bound method for stochastic global optimization
A stochastic branch and bound method for solving stochastic global optimization...
L-shaped decomposition of two-stage stochastic programs with integer recourse
We consider two-stage stochastic programming problems with integer recourse. The...
Optimization of dual response systems: A comprehensive procedure for degenerate and nondegenerate problems
Most dual response systems (DRSs) arising in response surface modeling can be...
Solving quadratric (0,1)-problems by semidefinite programs and cutting planes
We present computational experiments for solving quadratic (0, 1) problems. Our...
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