Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Analysis of the M/M/1 queue with processor sharing via spectral theory
We show in this paper that the computation of the distribution of the sojourn time of...
Waiting-time asymptotics for the M/G/2 queue with heterogeneous servers
This paper considers a heterogeneous M/G/ 2 queue. The service times at server 1 are...
The dependence of optimal returns from multi-class queueing systems on their customer base
We identify structured collections of multi-class queueing systems whose optimal...
Stability analysis of the Cambridge ring
A ring of I cells rotates past I queues, carrying customers from their origins to...
Diffusion approximation in overloaded switching queueing models
The asymptotic behavior of a queueing process in overloaded state-dependent queueing...
Tail asymptotics for head of line priority queues handling a large number of independent stationary sources
In this paper we study the asymptotics of the tail of the buffer occupancy...
An exact solution for an M(t)/M(t)/1 queue with time-dependent arrivals and service
We consider an M/M/ 1 queue with a time dependent arrival rate λ( t ) and...
A Markov renewal based model for wireless networks
We propose a queueing network model which can be used for the integration of the...
The discrete-time GI/Geo/1 queue with multiple vacations
We study a discrete-time GI/Geo/ 1 queue with server vacations. In this queueing...
Analysis of G/D/1 queueing systems with inputs satisfying large deviation principle under weak topology
The large deviation principle (LDP) which has been effectively used in queueing...
Monotonicity and asymptotic queue-length distribution in discrete-time networks
For closed, cyclic, discrete-time networks with one server per node and with...
Using cumulant functions in queueing theory
A new approach for obtaining the transient solution for the first and second moments...
Two-class priority queueing system with state-dependent arrivals
In this paper, we present a performance analysis of a 2-dimensional preemptive...
Stability of Jackson type network output
We consider an open Jackson type queueing network 𝒩 with input epochs sequence I...
An alternative model for queueing systems with single arrivals, batch services and customer coalescence
In this paper we consider a queueing system with single arrivals, batch services and...
A retrial BMAP/PH/N system
A multi-server retrial queueing model with Batch Markovian Arrival Process and...
Large deviations rate function for polling systems
In this paper, we identify the local rate function governing the sample path large...
Large tandem queueing networks with blocking
Systems consisting of many queues in series have been considered by Glynn and Whitt...
Asymptotic results and a Markovian approximation for the M(n)/M(n)/s + GI system
In this paper for the M ( n )/ M ( n )/ s + GI system, i.e. for an s -server...
Buffer overflow probabilities for a Markov-modulated fluid model
Markov modulated fluid models are widely used in modelling communications and computer...
A reduced-load equivalence for generalised processor sharing networks with long-tailed input flows
We consider networks where traffic is served according to the Generalised Processor...
Optimum discarding in a bufferless system
This paper considers queueing systems without buffer. The problem is finding an...
Martingale methods for analysing single-server queues
In this paper we present a martingale method for analysing queues of M/G/ 1 type,...
Scheduling multiclass packet streams to minimize weighted loss
We consider the problem of scheduling an arriving sequence of packets at a single...
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