Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
The MM CPP/GE/c G-queue: Sojourn time distribution
We obtain the sojourn time probability distribution function at equilibrium for a...
Scheduling in multiclass networks with deterministic service times
We consider general feed-forward networks of queues with deterministic service times...
A note on transient Gaussian fluid models
In this paper we study the distribution of the supremum over interval [0, T...
A tandem queue with blocking and Markovian arrival process
Queueing networks with blocking have proved useful in modelling of data communications...
Exact analysis of the state-dependent polling model
We consider a polling model in which a number of queues are served, in cyclic order,...
A multi-server retrial queue with Batch Markov arrivals and group services
In this paper, we consider a c -server queuing model in which customers arrive...
Exact buffer overflow calculations for queues via martingales
Let τ n be the first time a queueing process like the queue length or workload...
Optimal policies for multi-server non-preemptive priority queues
We consider a multi-server non-preemptive queue with high and low priority customers,...
Bounds on queues with delayed generalized exponential arrivals
The purpose of this paper is to extend earlier results on the bounds on queues with...
Path space large deviations of a large buffer with Gaussian input traffic
We consider a queue fed by Gaussian traffic and give conditions on the input process...
Matrix product-form solution for a last-come-first-served preemptive resume single-server queue with multiple arrival streams governed by a Markov chain
This paper considers a stationary single-server queue with multiple arrival streams...
Weak convergence of a sequence of semimartingales to a diffusion with discontinuous drift and diffusion coefficients
This paper presents a set of sufficient conditions for a sequence of semimartingales...
An M/M/1 driven fluid queue – continued fraction approach
This paper presents complete solutions of the stationary distributions of buffer...
A unified approach to the proportional relation for discrete-time single-server queues
It is well known that a simple relation called proportional relation holds for some...
Analysis of a discrete-time queueing system with a single server and heterogeneous Markovian arrivals
We consider a discrete-time queueing system with a single deterministic server,...
A single server Poisson input queue with a second optional channel
Consider an M/G/ 1 queue such that over and above the first ‘essential...
Analysis of a discrete-time queueing system with timed vacations
We consider a discrete-time GI-GI-1 queueing system with server vacations. Vacations...
The M/G-G/1 oscillating queueing system
In this paper oscillating queueing system is studied. Oscillating queueing systems are...
Analysis of an infinite-server queue with batch Markovian arrival streams
This paper considers an infinite-server queue with multiple batch Markovian arrival...
Critical thresholds for dynamic routing in queueing networks
This paper studies dynamic routing in a parallel server queueing network with a single...
A communication multiplexer problem: Two alternating queues with dependent randomly-timed gated regime
Two random traffic streams are competing for the service time of a single server...
Optimality of D-policies for an M/G/1 queue with a removable server
We consider an M/G/ 1 queue with a removable server. When a customer arrives, the...
Two M/M1 queues with transfers of customers
We study a system consisting of two M/M/ 1 queues with transfers of customers. In that...
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