Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Exact asymptotics for ki-limited exponential polling models
In this paper we find exact asymptotic expressions for the event that the total queue...
On the exact analysis of a discrete-time queueing system with autoregressive inputs
In this paper, we provide an exact analysis of a discrete-time queueing system driven...
Continuous-review tracking policies for dynamic control of stochastic networks
This paper is concerned with dynamic control of stochastic processing networks....
The asymptotic workload behavior of two coupled queues
We consider a system of two coupled queues Q 1 and Q 2 . When both queues are...
A diffusion approximation for a Markovian queue with reneging
Consider a single-server queue with a Poisson arrival process and exponential...
A two priority queue with crossover feedback
This paper considers the delay distributions in a two-class non-preemptive priority...
Routing in queues with delayed information
We compare two routing-control strategies in a high-speed communication network with c...
Reduced-load equivalence and induced burstiness in general processor sharing queues with long-tailed traffic flows
We analyze the queueing behavior of long-tailed traffic flows under the Generalized...
On Markovian multi-class, multi-server queueing
Multi-class multi-server queueing problems are a generalisation of the well-known...
On the M/M/1 queue with catastrophes and its continuous approximation
For the M/M/ 1 queue in the presence of catastrophes the transition probabilities,...
A tandem queue with a gate mechanism
Inspired by a problem regarding cable access networks, we consider a two station...
Estimation for nonhomogeneous Poisson processes from aggregated data
A well-known heuristic for estimating the rate function or cumulative rate function of...
Random walk with a heavy-tailed jump distribution
The classical random walk of which the one-step displacement variable u has a first...
The price of anarchy for non-atomic congestion games with symmetric cost maps and elastic demands
By showing that there is an upper bound for the price of anarchy ρ(Γ) for a...
Node packings on cocomparability graphs
We give a compact formulation for the clique inequalities defining the fractional node...
The allocation of intangible resources: The analytic hierarchy process and linear programming
An intangible is an attribute that has no scale of measurement. Intangibles such as...
On Markov-additive jump processes
In 1995, Pacheco and Prabhu introduced the class of so-called Markov-additive...
On matrix-geometric solution of nested Quasi Birth-and-Death chains
In this paper, a generalization of the level dependent Quasi-Birth-and-Death (QBD)...
The impact of inadequacies in the treatment of organizational issues on information systems development projects
It has often been argued that systems' failure may result from inadequacies in the...
Examining possible antecedents of Information Technology impact on the supply chain and its effect on firm performance
Our study examined the impact of information technology (IT) on the supply chain...
Tradeoff decision in the design of a backbone computer network using visualization
Visualization provides a useful tool for analyzing large, complex data sets. In the...
Flow reliability of a probabilistic capacitated-flow network in multiple node pairs case
This article mainly generalizes the flow (or transportation) reliability problem for a...
Integrating web-based data mining tools with business models for knowledge management
As firms begin to implement web-based presentation and data mining tools to enhance...
A software-supported process for assembling evidence and handling uncertainty in decision-making
Complex socio-technical decisions, such as infrastructure investment decisions, are...
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