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Organizational efficiency and quality in Texas nursing facilities
Knox Kris Joseph
Profit-seeking nursing facilities have been found to be overwhelmingly more cost...
Horizontal inequity in health care utilization in Japan
Ohkusa Yasushi
International comparison of horizontal inequity in health has recently become one of...
Non-parametric and parametric applications measuring efficiency in health care
Hollingsworth Bruce
This paper reviews 188 published papers on frontier efficiency measurement. The...
Random output and hospital performance
Barros Pedro Pita
Many countries are under pressure to reform health care financing and delivery....
Predicting attendance for breast screening using routinely collected data
Pol Marjon van der
The aim of this paper is to predict attendance if the age range for routine invitation...
Mortality from breast carcinoma among US women: the role and implications of socio-economics, hetergeneous insurance, screening mammography, and geography
Okunade Albert A.
Despite rapid advances in medicine and beneficial lifestyle changes, the incidence and...
The impact of accessibility on the use of specialist health care in Norway
Iversen Tor
The aim of this study is to explore to what extent the policy goal of allocating...
The evolution of portfolio based marginal analysis: towards a macro-level priority setting framework for health regions
Mitton Craig R.
To date, relatively little work on priority setting has been carried out at a...
The effect of activity-based financing on hospital efficiency: a panel data analysis of DEA efficiency scores 1992–2000
Iversen Tor
Activity-based financing (ABF) was implemented in the Norwegian hospital sector from 1...
An empirical study on predicting user acceptance of e-shopping on the Web
Shih Hung-Pin
This study develops an extended model to predict consumer acceptance of...
Heuristic approaches for a scheduling problem in the plastic molding department of an audio company
Lin C.K.Y.
A production scheduling problem for making plastic molds of hi-fi models is...
Aggregation of dispersed consequences for constructing criteria: the evaluation of flood risk reduction strategies
Azibi R.
Construction of criteria is a major stage in the decision support process. This stage...
An interactive approach for placing alternatives in preference classes
Kksalan Murat
In this paper, we consider the multiple criteria decision making problem of...
How to allocate funds within the army
Haapalinna Ilkka
An interactive decision support system is proposed to aid decision making in material...
A tabu search heuristic for resource management in naval warfare
Potvin Jean-Yves
Effective utilization of scarce resources, in particular weapon resources, is a...
Dynamic rationing policies for product with incremental upgrading demands
You Peng-Sheng
In environments in which several distinct classes of demand exist for a fixed number...
Evaluating orders allocation within networks of firms
Hammami A.
In a context of profound transformation of the relations between firms, an...
A return-on-inventory-investment maximization model for intermediate firms
Chen Cheng-Kang
In a channel distribution system, the function of an intermediate firm is to purchase...
A tabu search heuristic and adaptive memory procedure for political districting
Laporte Gilbert
In political districting problems, the aim is to partition a territory into electoral...
A hybrid genetic algorithm for the dynamic plant layout problem
Balakrishnan Jaydeep
The dynamic plant layout problem (DPLP) deals with the design of multi-period layout...
Upper bounds for the SPOT5 daily photograph scheduling problem
Vasquez Michael
This paper introduces tight upper bounds for the daily photograph scheduling problem...
Performance of parallel shooting method for closed loop guidance of an optimal launch vehicle trajectory
Ghose Debasish
The objective of this paper is to provide a real-time, on-board, closed-loop guidance...
An optimal dice rolling policy for Risk
Koole Ger
An optimal policy for rolling the dice in the game of Risk is determined using dynamic...
A comparative study of linear and nonlinear models for aggregate retail sales forecasting
Chu Ching-Wu
The purpose of this paper is to compare the accuracy of various linear and nonlinear...
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