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Heuristic algorithms for multiprocessor task scheduling in a two-stage hybrid flow-shop
Ouz C.
The aim of this paper is to propose heuristic algorithms for a two-stage flow-shop...
An iterative algorithm for scheduling unit execution time tasks with due dates and release times
Zinder Yakov
A new polynomial-time iterative algorithm is presented for the scheduling problem with...
An alternative framework to Lagrangian relaxation approach for job shop scheduling
Luh Peter B.
A new Langrangian relexation (LR) approach is developed for job shop scheduling...
Scheduling to minimize the sum of weighted flowtime and weighted tardiness of jobs in a flowshop with sequence-dependent setup times
Rajendran Chandrasekharan
Efficient heuristics for scheduling jobs in a static flowshop with sequence-dependent...
Rescheduling of identical parallel machines under machine eligibility constraints
Azizolu Meral
In this study, we address a rescheduling problem in parallel machine environments...
Polling systems with breakdowns and repairs
Yechiali Uri
This work analyzes various polling systems with both random breakdowns and repairs. A...
Genetic algorithms to minimize the weighted number of late jobs on a single machine
Dauzre-Prs Stphane
The general one-machine scheduling problem is strongly NP -Hard when the objective is...
Job-shop scheduling with processing alternatives
Kis Tams
In this paper we study an extension of the job-shop scheduling problem where the job...
Solving the continuous flow-shop scheduling problem by metaheuristics
Vo Stefan
Continuous flow-shop scheduling problems circumscribe an important class of sequencing...
A contribution to the stochastic flow shop scheduling problem
Gourgand Michel
This paper deals with performance evaluation and scheduling problems in m machine...
Augmented neural networks for task scheduling
Pirkul Hasan
We propose a new approach, called Augmented Neural Networks (Aug NN) for solving the...
Flow shop scheduling problems under machine-dependent precedence constraints
Gladky A. A.
The paper considers the flow shop scheduling problems to minimize the makespan,...
On-line scheduling a batch processing system to minimize total weighted job completion time
Chen Bo
Scheduling a batch processing system has been extensively studied in the last decade....
Multifunction radar: task scheduling
Proth Jean-Marie
Multifunction radar has to perform several types of tasks. Some of them are...
An improved branch and bound algorithm for single machine scheduling with deadlines to minimize total weighted completion time
Pan Yunpeng
We consider a scheduling problem in which n jobs with distinct deadlines are to be...
When greediness fails: examples from stochastic scheduling
Uetz Marc
The purpose of this paper is to present examples for the sometimes surprisingly...
An enhanced dynasearch neighborhood for the single-machine total weighted tardiness scheduling problem
Tadei R.
Based on the work by Congram, Potts and Van de Velde, we develop for the...
A fuzzy echelon approach for inventory management in supply chains
Pontrandolfo Pierpaolo
This paper presents a methodology to define a supply chain (SC) inventory management...
Competitive location, production, and market selection
Karmarkar Uday S.
This paper investigates how firms should select their production sites, capacities and...
Strategic commitment to price to stimulate downstream innovation in a supply chain
Gilbert Stephen M.
It is generally in a firm's interest for its supply chain partners to invest in...
Coordinated ordering decisions for short life cycle products with uncertainty in delivery time and demand
Weng Z. Kevin
We consider a two-party system, in which the buyer orders a product from the supplier,...
Nurst rostering problems – a bibliographic survey
Lim Andrew
Hospitals need to repeatedly product duty rosters for its nursing staff. The good...
A heuristic transporter routing model for manufacturing facility design
Hwang Heung-Suk
In this study, a transporter routing problem is analyzed and adapted for use in...
Local search with annealing-like restarts to solve the vehicle routing problem with time windows
Lim Andrew
In this paper, we propose a metaheuristic based on annealing-like restarts to...
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