Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
The expected length of a random line segment in a rectangle
We calculate the expected length of a random line segment in a rectangle, using a line...
Mean sample spacings, sample size and variability in an auction-theoretic framework
In terms of a standard model for English auctions and sealed-bid auctions, we study...
Sensitivity analysis of the optimal assignment
This paper concentrates on sensitivity analysis of the optimal solution for the...
Logic cuts for multilevel generalized assignment problems
In the multilevel generalized assignment problem (MGAP) agents can perform tasks at...
Asymptotic analysis of a greedy heuristic for the multi-period single-sourcing problem: the acyclic case
The multi-period single-sourcing problem that we address in this paper can be used as...
Application of Value at Risk methodology to risk management in the stock market of China
This paper applies the new risk management tool, Value at Risk (VaR) methodology, to...
A branch-and-fix coordination algorithmic framework for solving some types of stochastic pure and mixed 0–1 programs
We present a framework for solving some types of 0–1 multi-stage...
The Ring Star problem: polyhedral analysis and exact algorithm
In the Ring Star Problem, the aim is to locate a simple cycle through a subset of...
Weak efficiency in vector optimization using a closure of algebraic type under cone-convexlikeness
We introduce a new concept of algebraic type of closure in real linear spaces which is...
On the convergence of conditional ϵ-subgradient methods for convex programs and convex–concave saddle-point problems
The paper provides two contributions. First, we present new convergence results for...
Improved dynamic programming in connection with a fully polynomial time approximation scheme for the knapsack problem
A vector merging problem is introduced where two vectors of length n are merged such...
Solving linear fractional bilevel programs
In this paper, we prove that an optimal solution to the linear fractional bilevel...
A fuzzy goal programming approach for vendor selection problem in a supply chain
A fuzzy goal programming approach is applied in this paper for solving the vendor...
On the directed hop-constrained shortest path problem
In this paper we discuss valid inequalities for the directed hop-constrained shortest...
A note on maximizing a submodular set function subject to a knapsack constraint
In this paper, we obtain an (1-e -1 )-approximation algorithm for maximizing a...
Integer programming, Barvinok's counting algorithm and Gomory relaxations
We propose an algorithm based on Barvinok's counting algorithm for P...
Cutting planes from a mixed integer Farkas lemma
We present a mixed integer version of the lattice analogue of the Farkas lemma. It...
Dynamic rescheduling that simultaneously considers efficiency and stability
Dynamic job shop scheduling is a frequently occurring and highly relevant problem in...
Impact of forecasting error on the performance of capacitated multi-term production system
A computer model is built to simulate master production scheduling activities in a...
A decision support methodology for stochastic multi-criteria linear programming using spreadsheets
In recent years, tools for solving optimization problems have become widely available...
On minimizing the weighted number of late jobs in unit execution time open-shops
We study unit execution time open-shops with integer release dates. This paper shows...
Generalized dual phase-2 simplex algorithm
Recently, the dual simplex method has attracted considerable interest. This is mostly...
Indential parallel machines vs. unit-time shops and preemptions vs. chains in scheduling complexity
This paper surveys, analyses and establishes new polynomial-time reductions among...
Scheduling multiprocessor tasks on parallel processors with limited availability
In this work we consider the problem of scheduling multiprocessor tasks on parallel...
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