Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Reliability analysis of a renewable multiple cold standby system
We present a general reliability analysis of the basic multiple cold standby system...
Improving recruit distribution decisions in the US Marine Corps
The United States Marine Corps (USMC) accomplishes its mission “to put the right...
Four-day workweek scheduling with two or three consecutive days off
A four-day workweek days-off scheduling problem is considered. Out of the three days...
An optimal hostage rescue problem
This paper proposes the following mathematical models for an optimal rescue problem...
Worst-case analysis of the subset sum algorithm for bin packing
We analyze the worst-case ratio of a natural heuristic for the bin packing problem,...
An integrated agent-based approach for responsive control of manufacturing resources
Due to the dynamic fluctuation of customer demands in the global market, manufacturing...
An operator load-balancing problem in a semi-automatic parallel machine shop
This paper deals with a load-balancing problem among several operators in a...
Optimal lot sizing for products sold under free-repair warranty
Repairable items sold under a free-repair warranty (FRW) policy are examined. In the...
A continuous-time Markov chain under the influence of a regulating point process and applications in stochastic models with catastrophes
We consider a continuous-time Markov chain {Ñ(t), t ⩾ 0} with state space S...
The analysis of optimal control model in matching problem between manufacturing and marketing
A mathematical model is developed and presented to solve the optimal control problem...
A tabu search algorithm for self-healing ring network design
We consider the problem of designing self-healing rings in order to protect the...
Learning by doing in a T-period production planning: Analytical solution
The firms in many industries shift down the production cost function as they...
Optimization of multi-feeder (depot) printed circuit board manufacturing with error guarantees
This paper considers an integrated optimization problem enhancing productivity in...
A branch-and-bound algorithm to solve a multi-level network optimization problem
Multi-level network optimization problems arise in many contexts such as...
Dependence structure of sojourn times via partition separated ordering
We investigate the joint distribution of successive sojourn times of a customer...
On the ring loading problem with demand splitting
In this paper, we improve the rerouting step of Myung, Kim and Tcha's algorithm for...
Flood search under the California Split rule
We consider flood search on a line and show that no algorithm can achieve an...
A genetic algorithm for the allocation of buffer storage capacities in a production line with unreliable machines
In this paper, we consider a flow-line manufacturing system organized as a series of...
Network simplex algorithm for the general equal flow problem
In this paper the general equal flow problem is considered. This is a minimum cost...
Material compatibility constraints for make-to-order production planning
This paper defines a set of material compatibility constraints for use in order...
An incremental algorithm for the maximum flow problem
An incremental algorithm may yield an enormous computational time saving to solve a...
Continuous benchmark solutions
The existence of benchmark selections that are continuous both in production factors...
An improved genetic heuristic to support the design of flexible manufacturing systems
In industry, when flexible manufacturing systems are designed within a group...
Minimum-cost dynamic flows: The series-parallel case
A dynamic network consists of a directed graph with capacities, costs, and integral...
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