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A new efficient heuristic for the minimum set covering problem
Paschos Vangelis Th.
This paper solves approximately the minimum set covering problem by developing a new...
A satisficing chance constrained model in the portfolio selection of insurance lines and investments
Li Susan X.
This paper sets out a model that simultaneously determines insurers’ satisficing...
Estimating the length of the optimal TSP tour: An empirical study using regression and neural networks
Wasil Edward
Over the last 35 years or so, researchers have proposed a variety of ways to estimate...
Expected number analysis of a two-server queueing network subject to inter-stage inspection and rework
Kannan S.
In this paper, an attempt has been made to incorporate the concept of rework in the...
Optimal static distribution of prioritized customers to heterogeneous parallel servers
Lee Heeseok
The main aim of this paper is to present a model for distributing prioritized...
Interrelationship between controlling arrival and service in queueing systems
Gupta Surendra M.
In this paper, the interrelationship between the F-Policy problem and the truncated...
Asymptotic bounds of throughput in series-parallel queueing networks
Smith J. MacGregor
The authors propose a piece-wise linear upper bound on the throughput rate from a...
Piecewise loglinear frontier and log efficiency measures
Chang Kuo-Ping
This paper shows that the Sueyoshi and Chang remedy for Charnes et al multiplicative...
Barrier strategies and capture criteria in a 3D pursuit-evasion differential game
Segal A.
A 3D pursuit-evasion situation where a highly manoeuvrable evader is engaged by a...
Prediction intervals for growth curve forecasts
Meade Nigel
Since growth curves are often used to produce medium- to long-term forecasts for...
Highest-density forecast regions for non-linear and non-normal time series models
Hyndman Rob J.
Forecast regions are a common way to summarize forecast accuracy. They usually consist...
The anchor and adjustment heuristic in time-series forecasting
OConnor Marcus
This paper explores the relevance of the anchor and adjustment heuristic in...
Strategic level MS/OR tool usage in the United Kingdom: An empirical survey
Clark Delwyn N.
A survey of the practitioner members of the United Kingdom Operational Research...
Organic decision and communication processes and management accounting systems in entrepreneurial and conservative business organizations
Chenhall R.H.
This study examines the combined effect of organic decision and communication...
A comparison of heuristics for the problem of batching orders for warehouse selection
Rosenwein M.B.
Order picking-the selection of items from storage areas to fill cusotmer orders-is the...
Optimal two-commodity flows with non-linear cost functions
Goh C.J.
This paper considers networks in which two different commodities have to be...
Neural networks: Fool’s gold or layman’s delight?
French Alan
This article addresses the application of neural networks to the problem of predicting...
FACT: A new neural network-based clustering algorithm for group technology
Kamal S.
This paper introduces the Fuzzy art with Add Clustering Technique (FACT) algorithm...
Inventory models for increasing demand followed by level demand
Hill Roger M.
This paper considers a product subject to a period of increasing demand, according to...
How many units will be short when stockout occurs?
Belarmino Adenso-Daz
In stochastic inventory management, when calculating the safety stock necessary to...
Strategic investment analysis using activity based costing concepts and analytical hierarchy process techniques
Lee C.-Y.
An increasing number of organizations are using Activity Based Costing (ABC) to gain...
Proactive optimization of toxic waste transportation, location and technology
Kuby Michael
Many models of real world problems, such as the toxic waste transportation and...
A model to assess risk, equity and efficiency in facility location and transportation of hazardous materials
Current John
In recent years there has been increased public and governmental concern regarding...
The rectilinear distance minisum problem with minimum distance constraints
Wesolowsky G.O.
This paper describes a mathematical model for locating a single facility on a...
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