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Fatal pedestrian accidents in France: A typological analysis
Fontaine Hlne
This study examines reports on fatal pedestrian accidents which occurred in France...
Motor-vehicle crash-injury risk factors among American Indians
Grossman David C.
The rates of motor-vehicle crash mortality are highest among American Indians and...
Can a combination of local, regional and national information substantially increase bicycle-helmet wearing and reduce injuries? Experiences from Sweden
Ekman Robert
Is it possible to substantially reduce the incidence of injuries related to cycling...
United States passenger-vehicle crashes by crash geometry: Direct costs and other losses
Miller Ted R.
The personal and societal losses caused by motor-vehicle crashes are significant. This...
The effects of paved shoulders on accidents on rural highways
Ogden K.W.
This paper presents the results of a project that sought to determine the safety...
An epidemiological study of bicycle-related injuries
Schelp Lothar
The objectives of this study were to describe bicycle-related injuries in relation to...
Channel allocation in cellular radio networks
Kim Sehun
In this article, two efficient heuristic algorithms are suggested for the channel...
An internal customer service quality data envelopment analysis model for bank branches
Soteriou Andreas C.
Over the last few years data envelopment analysis (DEA) has been gaining increasing...
A comparison of sequencing rules in static and dynamic hybrid flow
Khumawala B.M.
It is well known that efficient scheduling of jobs is essential for improving the...
Design of material transportation system for tandem automated guided vehicle system
Huang C.
A new design concept of material transportation system is proposed on the basis of...
Robust control design for a class of mismatched coupled uncertain systems
Chen Y.H.
This paper considers a control design problem for a class of mismatched uncertain...
Approximate output feedback optimal control of higher-order dynamical systems
Goh C.J.
This paper presents a design methodology for the synthesis of a dynamic controller...
Infusing learning into the information systems organization
Agarwal R.
Contemporary information systems (IS) organizations need mechanisms to cope with both...
On the role of intuition in decision making and some ways of multicriteria aid of intuition
Wierzbicki Andrzej P.
Practical experiences in decision-making—including the experience in the reform...
Ranking alternatives on the basis of preference relations: A progress report with special emphasis on outranking relations
Vincke Philippe
This paper is devoted to the study of techniques allowing one to rank order the...
A common framework for describing some outranking methods
Pirlot Marc
Outranking methods such as ELECTRE have been proposed for aggregating preference...
Outranking-based interactive exploration of a set of multicriteria alternatives
Sowiski Roman
Interactive procedures are very effective for exploring sets of alternatives with a...
Applications of the MACBETH approach in the framework of an additive aggregation model
Bana e Costa Carlos A.
In measurement theory terminology, MACBETH is an interactive approach for mapping into...
A nonsymmetric model for fuzzy nonlinear programming problems with penalty coefficients
Wang Dingwei
In this paper, a nonsymmetric model for a type of fuzzy nonlinear programming problems...
The &bgr;-assignment problem in general graphs
Chang Gerard J.
We study a variation of the assignment problem in operations research and formulate it...
BISON: A fast hybrid procedure for exactly solving the one-dimensional bin packing problem
Scholl Armin
In this paper, we consider the well-known one-dimensional bin packing problem (BPP-1),...
Optimal allocation of arrivals to a collection of parallel workstations
Tavana Madjid
Presents a model that minimizes an aggregate measure of waiting times and queue...
A linear programming model for integrated steel production and distribution planning
Chen Mingyuan
Develops a linear programming model for integrated production planning based on the...
The effects of purchased parts commonality on manufacturing lead time
Wacker John G.
Manufacturing managers as well as researchers suggest that reducing manufacturing lead...
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