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Conflicting goals of skid training
Katila Ari
Efforts to make novice drivers drive more safely on slippery roads by means of special...
System dynamics and the electric power industry
Ford Andrew
System dynamics has been used extensively to aid in resource planning in the electric...
Estimating blood alcohol level from observable signs
McKnight A. James
Attempts to induce hosts and friends to prevent drinkers from reaching dangerous...
A framework for evaluating systems thinking interventions: An experimental approach to mental health system change
Richardson George P.
Researchers from the State University of New York at Albany and the New York State...
Are lower legal blood alcohol limits and a combination of sanctions desirable in reducing drunken driver-involved traffic fatalities and traffic accidents?
Deshapriya E.B.R.
In 1970 and 1978, a set of strict new countermeasures against drunk driving went into...
What do Israel Jewish and Arab adolescents know about drinking and driving?
Weiss Shoshana
This article describes a study, which is the first in Israel to investigate knowledge...
The use of feedback signs to increase observed daytime seat belt use in two cities in North Carolina
Williams Allan F.
Well publicized enforcement programs in North Carolina have raised seat belt use to...
Age, gender and the effectiveness of high-threat letters: An analysis of Oregon's driver improvement advisory letters
Jones Barnie
The Oregon Driver Improvement Program monitors driver records and takes corrective...
Costs of gunshot and cut/stab wounds in the United States, with some Canadian comparisons
Miller Ted R.
This article estimates the costs of US gunshot and cut/stab wounds by intent. It...
Increased police enforcement: Effects on speed
Vaa Truls
Results of a field experiment in which a 35-km long stretch of road was subjected to...
An experimental comparison of capacity rationing models
Sridharan V.
In this paper, we evaluate two approaches to capacity rationing to manage demand in...
Predictive validity and internal consistency of the Pre-Hospital Index measured on-site by physicians
Sampalis John S.
Physiological measures of injury are used as triage tools to identify patients that...
Complexity of the AGV shortest path and single-loop guide path layout problems
Tanchoco J.M.A.
The guide path layout is one of the most important variables in the design of...
A Bayesian analysis of layered defense systems
Al-Mutairi Dhaifalla K.
A Bayesian approach for analyzing layered defense systems is presented. This approach...
Trams – a risk factor for pedestrians
Bjrnstig Ulf
In Gothenburg tram injuries were identified to be an important cause of traffic...
An experimental comparison of some recently developed linear programming approaches to the discriminant problem
Lam Kim Fung
This article studies and evaluates several recently proposed linear programming...
Orthogonal representations of random fields and an application to geophysics data
Ruiz-Medina M.D.
We present a brief summary of some results related to deriving orthogonal...
Dimensioning a multiple hashing scheme
Barbour A.D.
The number of items of data which are irretrievable without additional effort after...
A meta-analysis of studies concerning the safety effects of daytime running lights on cars
Elvik Rune
A meta-analysis of 17 studies that have evaluated the effects on traffic safety of...
The impact of work practices on fatigue in long distance truck drivers
Williamson Ann M.
Twenty-seven professional truck drivers completed a 12 hour, 900 km trip under each of...
Scanning Brownian processes
Adler Robert J.
The ‘scanning process’ Z ( t ), t ∈ ℝ k , of the title is a...
The effect of time headway feedback on following behaviour
Fairclough Stephen H.
A field study was conducted to assess the impact of continuous time headway feedback...
Clustering in a continuum percolation model
Quintanilla J.
We study properties of the clusters of a system of fully penetrable balls, a model...
Unification of software reliability models by self-exciting point processes
Singpurwalla Nozer D.
Assessing the reliability of computer software has been an active area of research in...
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