Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
An introduction to temporal constraints and mathematical methods
An important class of problems, known as temporal constraint satisfaction problems, is...
The use of combinatorics in key management
We consider the key management problem in a large network where communicating nodes...
Group decision making procedure considering preference strength under incomplete information
This article deals with the multiple criteria decision making problem with incomplete...
Measuring consensus in decision making: An application to maritime command and control
An important component of maritime command and control is the information that has...
Designing robust products with multiple quality characteristics
This study presents an approach for designing robust products with multiple quality...
A note on the approximate calculation of APR and redemption yields
Approximate formulae for the yield on a transaction involving an initial loan which is...
The statistical analysis of standard-cost deviations
Very little is known about the theoretical statistical properties of accounting...
Implementing a real option model for valuing an undeveloped oil field
We present a no arbitrage model for evaluating an undeveloped oil field and its...
Managers' innovations as ‘sense-making’
Interpretations related to the social construction of innovation, derived from data...
A lot sizing heuristic for deteriorating items with shortages in growing and declining markets
In this article, we consider the inventory replenishment problem with shortages over a...
Two-vehicle side impact crashes: The relationship of vehicle and crash characteristics to injury severity
Injury type and severity among front outboard occupants of passenger vehicles struck...
A system dynamics model for a mixed-strategy game between police and driver
Game theorists have recommended many reasonable strategies in policy problems, using,...
DoorFAST; A constructive procedure to optimally layout a facility including aisles and door locations based on an aisle flow distance metric
A methodology for designing a layout for factories, office buildings or homes is...
A new approach to the block layout problem
The main problem concerned with applying graph theory to facilities layout is the...
Accident prediction models for roads with minor junctions
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a method for predicting expected...
Modeling innovation processes for decision support and management simulation
The article describes results from an ongoing research project that was started...
Feature saliency measures
This paper presents a survey of feature saliency measures used in artificial neural...
Multi-period international facilities location: An algorithm and application
In today's markets, customers want to buy the best quality products at the lowest...
Management Petri Net – a modelling tool for management systems
In this paper we propose Management Petri Nets (MPN), an extension of classical Petri...
Management research and literary criticism
This paper is concerned with analysing the role of rhetoric and literary criticism in...
Variance reduction in a process with random linear drift
In this paper, we consider the model of Rahim and Banerjee for a process with random...
Improving the product mix heuristic in the theory of constraints
The product mix heuristic is the component in the theory of constraints (TOC) which...
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