Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
The importance of the time factor in fire and rescue service operations in Sweden
The aim of the paper is to measure the benefits and costs for society if the fire and...
Aircrew fatigue in long-haul operations
The studies were conducted on the transmeridian routes Düsseldorf...
Benefit transfers: Are they a satisfactory input to benefit cost analysis? An airport noise nuisance case study
Benefit cost analysis in a variety of guises has established itself as a useful tool...
An aggregate measure of travel utility
The paper examines the effect of separating the total utility associated with a choice...
Travel trends using the Puget sound panel survey: A generalized estimating equations approach
This paper examines longitudinal mode use trends using four waves of the Puget Sound...
A comparison of two alternative behavioral choice mechanisms for household auto ownership decisions
Auto ownership modeling plays an important role in travel demand analysis because it...
Parallel modelling and neural networks: An overview for transportation/land use systems
We provide in this conceptual paper an overview of a parallel transportation/land use...
Evaluating public transport efficiency with neural network models
This paper is concerned with measuring performance of public transport services based...
European freight transport and the environment: Empirical applications and scenarios
Environmental issues have received a prominent place in transport policies of most...
Regulating transport's environmental impacts in a deregulating world
In recent years, a growing awareness of the environmental impacts of transport has...
Greenhouse gas emissions and Australian commuters' attitudes and behavior concerning abatement policies and personal involvement
Public interest in the environment is building as we gain information about the...
The influence of sustained attention on railway accidents
Train accidents and near accidents occurring over a 3-year period were examined within...
Fatigue, mindset and ecology in the hazard dominant environment
Ratings made by 47 experienced drivers to 18 items of a Fatigue Advisory are highly...
Black times: Temporal determinants of transport safety
This paper is concerned with whether transport accident risk tends to peak at...
Time of day variations in driving performance
Numerous factors may contribute to the 24-hour pattern of automobile accidents. One...
Sleepiness and driving: The experience of UK car drivers
This paper presents the results of a postal questionnaire survey of just over 4600...
Driver fatigue in the city
The current survey investigates the features of driver fatigue incidents (accidents,...
Hours of work, and perceptions of fatigue among truck drivers
Drivers and companies operating in the heavy road transport industry were surveyed...
Development of fatigue symptoms during simulated driving
Why do people sometimes allow themselves to be overcome by fatigue? Ancient human...
Motor vehicle accidents, fatigue and optimism bias in taxi drivers
Fatigue-related variables and their relationship with accident involvement were...
Fatigue, workload and adaptive driver systems
This paper is directed to the further understanding of the problems of fatigue and...
Adaptation to the driver as part of a driver monitoring and warning system
A driver monitoring and warning system called DAISY (Driver AssIsting SYstem) is...
Implications of task-induced fatigue effects for in-vehicle countermeasures to driver fatigue
Two driving simulator studies are reported which investigate the variation of fatigue...
Prospects for technological countermeasures against driver fatigue
There are three reasons for giving serious consideration to technological...
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