Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Independent learning and operational research in the classroom
While Operational Research and Education are common keywords in OR journals, most work...
The origins and diffusion of operational research in the UK
This paper analyses the origins and diffusion of operational research in the UK from...
Four good decades of OR in the Canadian Department of National Defence
The first half of the period between 1950 and 1990 offered ideal circumstances for the...
What we learned early in the US Air Force about establishing and maintaining operational research groups
In the two decades 1942–1962 the US Air Force established and maintained over 30...
OR groups and the professionalisation of OR
OR groups have been studied from several perspectives and increasingly their role as a...
How OR can survive and prosper
This paper examines the success and failure of OR groups, with emphasis on a highly...
Winners and losers: Adding organisational value
As part of a major study into the success and survival of in-house OR groups in the UK...
Cooperation between strands of practice: Challenges and opportunities for the renewal of OR
Collaboration between OR groups following different ‘strands of practice’,...
Strategic operational research
Operational researchers have been slow to define and claim a strategic role for...
To charge or not to charge?
Discussions on the success or failure of OR practice tend to focus on specific case...
The six principles for effective OR – their relevance in the 90s
In 1974 in the UK, at a time of perceived anxiety in the OR community, the author...
Success and survival – a comment
It is proposed that consideration of the prospects for operational research should pay...
Some observations on practising successful operational research
Much has been written about the decline of Operational Research. In the 1960s it had...
Beyond internal OR groups
The paper reviews the prospects of OR applied by dispersed practitioners, small...
Success and survival of OR groups – where to from here?
Over the past few years many authors, including Fildes and Ranyard, have documented...
The Foundation, Development and Current Practice of OR
A special issue of JORS containing papers presented at a Symposium held in Bowness,...
An economic evaluation of incremental resources to road safety programmes in New Zealand
Road crashes are related to the level of traffic, road and weather conditions, and...
Speed, speed limits and road traffic accidents under free flow conditions
The relationship between various measures of traffic speed, under free flow...
Genetic algorithms in the design of complex distribution networks
Reviews the value of network concepts as a means of portraying complex logistics and...
Evaluation of alternative logistics operations for the national supply of an imported bulk commodity: The use of a spreadsheet model
Describes the analysis of the logistics system of a supplier of anhydrous sodium...
Predicting volume distance performance for layout problems with static distance functions
This study investigates the predictability of the form and parameters of the...
Solving facility layout problems with geometric constraints using parallel genetic algorithms: Experimentation and findings
In this paper, we present a parallel genetic algorithm approach to the facility layout...
MULTI-HOPE: A tool for multiple floor layout problems
The objective of most facility layout problems is to minimize material handling cost,...
Optimal blending of out-of-specifications substances
A chemical company produces powdery substances by a process that is difficult to...
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