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Found 17295 papers in total
Goal programming, compromise programming and reference point method formulations: linkages and utility interpretations
This paper looks at connections between the multi-criteria techniques of goal...
Globally convergent stochastic optimization with optimal asymptotic distribution
A stochastic gradient descent method is combined with a consistent auxiliary estimate...
Concavity of queueing systems with NBU service times
This paper establishes structural properties for the throughput of a large class of...
Expected delay analysis of polling systems in heavy traffic
We study the expected delay in a cyclic polling model with mixtures of exhaustive and...
On closed support T-invariants and the traffic equations
The traffic equations are the basis for the exact analysis of product form queueing...
A comparison of the stationary distributions of GI/M/c/n and GI/M/c
In this note, we compare the arrival and time stationary distributions of the number...
Driving behaviour in a real and a simulated road tunnel: A validation study
The aim was to validate driving behaviour in a simulated road tunnel. Speed and...
Can we have confidence in generic structures?
The system dynamics concept of ‘generic structure’ is dividable into three...
Assessing the relative efficiency of decision making units using Data Envelopment Analysis models with weight restrictions
In models of data envelopment analysis (DEA), an optimal set of input and output...
Sensitivity analysis of Data Envelopment Analysis models for simultaneous changes in all the data
In data envelopment analysis (DEA) efficient decision making units (DMUs) are of...
Solving the Stein equation in compound Poisson approximation
The accuracy of compound Poisson approximation can be estimated using Stein's method...
Coalescent results for two-sex population models
‘Convergence-to-the-coalescent’ theorems for two-sex neutral population...
Exponential functionals of Brownian motion and disordered systems
The paper deals with exponential functionals of the linear Brownian motion which arise...
Subexponential asymptotics of a Markov-modulated random walk with queueing applications
Let {( X n , J n )} be a stationary Markov-modulated random walk on ℝ × E (...
Stochastic comparison of repairable systems by coupling
Stochastic comparison results for replacement policies are shown in this paper using...
Absorbing process in recursive stochastic equations
We introduce the concept of the absorbing process for analysing a state process. Our...
A deterministic epidemic model taking account of repeated contacts between the same individuals
We introduce a certain population contact structure and derive, in three different...
PλM-policy for a dam with input formed by a compound Poisson process
An infinite dam with input formed by a compound Poisson process is considered. As an...
The generalization of the Geske-formula for compound options to stochastic interest rates is not trivial – a note
This note refers to the paper by German et al ., in which an extension of the...
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