Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
System dynamics applications to European health care issues
Taking a European perspective, a review is made of some system dynamics models which...
A decision support system approach to developing systems to support production planning and control in smaller companies
Smaller Manufacturing Enterprises (SMEs) would benefit from manufacturing decision...
A competitive branch-and-bound algorithm for the simple assembly line balancing problem
In this paper we present a branch-and-bound algorithm for solving the simple assembly...
Optimal enforcement policies (crackdowns) on an illicit drug market
In this paper an optimal control model is presented to design enforcement programs...
A mixed integer programming model of the logistics of sulfuric acid in Chile
The logistics of sulfuric acid in Chile have become increasingly important as stricter...
The effects of splitting exponential stochastic Lanchester battles
The Exponential Stochastic Lanchester (ESL) model of attrition is well known and can...
Dispatching rail-guided vehicles and scheduling jobs in a flexible manufacturing system
The objective of this paper is to develop and evaluate dispatching strategies of...
Synchronized scheduling method in manufacturing steel sheets
An efficient two-stage algorithm has been developed to solve a large-scale...
Machine loading and part type selection in flexible manufacturing systems
This paper presents a new approach to the loading problem in flexible manufacturing...
Analysis of mine ventilation systems using operations research methods
A mine ventilation system consists of interconnected airways, work places and...
Part dispatching and machine loading in flexible manufacturing systems using central queues
This paper describes a dispatching approach for FMSs where all parts are stored in a...
An optimum design of the lining of a medium frequency induction melting furnace
In India, medium frequency induction melting furnaces find wide application in the...
Some simple, but efficient, push and pull heuristics for production sequencing for certain flexible manufacturing systems
We describe three simple rules for sequencing production in a small cell. The system...
ULINO: Optimally balancing U-shaped JIT assembly lines
Traditionally, assembly lines are arranged in a straight line. The design of such a...
‘Free flight’ for air traffic in Europe
In an earlier study, the author attempted to give some quantitative estimates of the...
Assigning arriving flights at an airport to the available gates
Unexpected changes in the flight schedules may disrupt the initial aircraft-gate...
The effect of lane line width and contrast upon lanekeeping
The combined effect of lane line width and line–pavement contrast upon...
Time, cost and quality trade-off in project management: A case study
In 1996, Babu and Suresh proposed a framework to study the trade-off among time, cost...
Minimizing empty hauls in multi-day, multi-depot trucking
In this paper we approach an empty haul problem by Day and Ross, one of Eastern...
Scheduling project activities to maximise the net present value – the case of linear time-dependent cash flows
The problem of scheduling a project to maximize its Net Present Value has been solved...
Statistical and neural classifiers to detect traffic operational problems on urban arterials
This paper proposes using artifical neural networks in a modular architecture to...
Point and expected interval availability analysis with stationarity detection
Interval availability is a dependability measure defined by the fraction of time...
A new methodology for incident detection and characterization on surface streets
In this paper, a new methodology is presented for real-time detection and...
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