Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Pyramidal traveling salesman problem
In this paper, we give new polynomially testable sufficiency conditions for a given...
New parallel randomized algorithms for the traveling salesman problem
We recently developed a new randomized optimization framework, the Nested Partitions...
Competition-based neural network for the multiple travelling salemen problem with minmax objective
In this paper, a new algorithm in competition-based network has been introduced to...
Solving the k-best traveling salesman problem
Although k -best solutions for polynomial solvable problems are extensively studied in...
A recursive method for Bernoulli arrival queues and its application to partial buffer sharing in ATM
In this research, we first develop a recursive method to compute the state...
Solving a nonlinear non-convex trim loss problem with a genetic hybrid algorithm
In the present paper, we invoke a newly developed genetic hybrid algorithm (GHA) to...
Batch scheduling in a multistage, multiproduct manufacturing system – an application
This paper reports the results of our collaborative work with Changde...
The development and implementation of a simulation tool for the assessment of quality economics within a cell-based manufacturing company
The ability to assess quality economics is important in efficient and competitive...
The optimal control of collision avoidance trajectories in air traffic management
A collision avoidance/conflict resolution model for aircraft traversing planar...
Netsim: Java™-based simulation for the World Wide Web
Current literature motivates development of a general, WWW-based simulation package...
Competitive responses to low cost carrier entry
Recent research has found that the entrance of a low cost carrier leads to lower...
Bankruptcy protection and pricing strategies in the US airline industry
In this paper, we empirically examine the effects of bankruptcy protection (Chapter...
Airline failure and distress prediction: A comparison of quantitative and qualitative models
In this paper, an exploratory study of failure and distress prediction models is...
Time series forecasting of quarterly railroad grain carloadings
The participants in the grain logistics system need forecasts of railroad grain...
Side constrained traffic equilibrium models – analysis, computation and applications
We consider the introduction of side constraints for refining a descriptive or...
Stability of the stochastic equilibrium assignment problem: A dynamical systems approach
The question of whether plausible dynamical adjustment processes converge to...
Estimating congestion toll by using traffic count data – Singapore's area licensing scheme
There are many studies on the Area Licensing Scheme in Singapore. One of the debatable...
On the optimal environmental liability limit for marine oil transport
Recent changes in the US liability regime for oil pollution damage have intensified a...
Urban development and traffic accidents in Brazil
Brazil started to experience high traffic accident rates since the 1960s, when road...
Information availability vs. solution space size in a knowledge acquisition problem
Several authors have studied a special form of a combinatorial game called the...
Optimal antithetic weights for lognormal time series forecasting
The theory for estimating optimal weights for combining antithetic fitted values which...
Grouping customers for better allocation of resources to serve correlated demands
In this paper, we discuss a common decision-making problem arising in the allocation...
Maximizing the number of mixed packages subject to variety constraints
We develop a polynomial-time algorithm to optimise a variant of the one-dimensional...
Queueing delay guarantees in bandwidth packing
This paper proposes a new formulation for the bandwidth packing problem, assuring...
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