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Found 17295 papers in total
An optimal algorithm for repairable-item inventory system with depot spares
We consider the problem of determining the spare inventory level for a multiechelon...
A Lagrangian relaxation approach to multi-period inventory/distribution planning
We consider a multi-period inventory/distribution planning problem (MPIDP) in a...
Fuzzy inventory without backorder for fuzzy order quantity and fuzzy total demand quantity
In this paper, we consider the inventory problem without backorder such that both...
Structural, elicitation and computational issues faced when solving complex decision making problems with influence diagrams
Influence diagrams have become a popular tool for representing and solving decision...
The criterion for the optimal solution of an inventory system with a negative exponential crashing cost
In a recent paper, Ben-Daya and Raouf presented a continuous review inventory model in...
Tactical and strategic models for satellite customer assignment
In this paper we develop tactical and strategic models for assignments of customers to...
Who's on first – with probability 0.4
In this paper, a model using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is proposed to rank...
Forecasting ski demand: Comparing learning curve and varying parameter coefficient approaches
Demand for skiing expanded rapidly in the 1980s, fell quite dramatically at the start...
A mixed integer programming formulation for the 1-maximin problem
In this paper, I present a mixed integer programming (MIP) formulation for the...
Condition monitoring: A new perspective
We present a novel approach to support preventive replacement decisions based on...
Optimal driving strategies for a train journey with non-zero track gradient and speed limits
In this paper we formulate and solve an important problem in applied optimal control....
A behavioural choice model for the evaluation of railway supply and pricing policies
This paper presents a choice model that can be used to simulate the impacts of...
Household choices of car-use reduction measures
The present research investigated what car-use reduction measures are perceived by...
Travel reduction strategies: Intentions and outcomes
Continuing growth in travel has led to concerns about the environment and...
Estimating demand for a cycle-way network
We study the use of bicycles as an alternative mode of transport in Santiago. We...
A model for integrated analysis of household location and travel choices
We develop a model for integrated analysis of household location and travel choices...
Modeling the capacity and level of service of urban transportation networks
Consider an urban transportation network. For a given current origin–destination...
Some observations on stochastic user equilibrium and system optimum of traffic assignment
Traffic assignment models can be classified according to the behavioral assumption...
Estimation of critical gaps in two major streams
Different authors have presented capacity formulas for the case of more than one major...
Genetic algorithms to schedule container transfers at multimodal terminals
Optimising the container transfer schedule at the multimodal terminals is known to be...
Evaluating business information systems fit: From concept to practical application
Attempting to explain information systems success and failure is a complex task. To...
An analytic hierarchy process model of decision support systems effectiveness
Empirical studies have reported equivocal, or even dysfunctional, results from the use...
Information systems development: A perspective on the challenge of evolutionary complexity
This conceptual paper proposes that the methodical approach to information system...
The academic field of information systems in Europe
This paper reviews the institutional and cognitive profile of the information systems...
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