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The contributions of multi-criteria decision making to the development of decision support systems subspecialties: An empirical investigation
Min Hokey
This study focuses on examining the structure of decision support systems (DSS)...
Developing a framework for make-or-buy decisions
Canez L.E.
The make-or-buy question represents a fundamental dilemma faced by many companies....
Bicriteria cost versus service analysis of a distribution network – a case study
Ehrgott Matthias
In order to improve the distribution system for the Nordic countries the BASF AG...
Modelling stochastic lead times in a production-inventory system based on the Laplace transform method
Tang Ou
Stochastic properties of a multi-period production-inventory system have been studied...
Multi-criteria minisum facility location problems
Puerto J.
This paper deals with the multi-criteria Weber (minisum) problem. Several new solution...
Controlling production dynamics – managing uncertainties with automatic production control
Breithaupt Jan-Wilhelm
A dynamic and continuous production model for the planning level, based on methods of...
Rough approximation of pairwise comparisons described by multi-attribute stochastic dominance
Zaras Kazimierz
Given a finite set A of actions evaluated by a set of attributes, preferential...
A machine learning approach to yield management in semiconductor manufacturing
Park Sang Chan
Yield improvement is one of the most important topics in semiconductor manufacturing....
Reduction of pairwise comparisons in decision making via a duality approach
Triantaphyllou Evangelos
Although pairwise comparisons have been seen by many as an effective and intuitive way...
Capacity assignment of virtual manufacturing cells by applying lot size harmonization
Mertins K.
Decentralized manufacturing cells minimize the lead time of products. However,...
The decision analysis and support project
Lootsma Freerk A.
This paper explains briefly the objectives, the history, and the fortunes of the DAS...
Computer-aided production management issues in the engineer-to-order production of complex capital goods explored using a simulation approach
Hicks C.
This paper describes the exploration of manufacturing planning and control issues in...
On the application of multiple criteria decision analysis in interactive spatial planning processes: Lessons learnt from two stories from the swamp
Bots Pieter W.G.
Rigorous application of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) is difficult in what...
Distributed multi-criteria decision making and the role of the participants in the process
Lootsma Freerk A.
Distributed decision making occurs when a decision making authority delegates certain...
An experimental investigation of preference elicitation methods in policy decision-making
Beroggi Giampiero E.G.
Preference elicitation methods support computational and behavioural aspects of...
The effects of team expert choice on group decision-making in collaborative new product development: A pilot study
Hummel J.M.
This study analyses the effects of Team Expert Choice on group decision-making in...
Generating consensus priority interval vectors for group decision-making in the analytic hierarchy process
Joseph Anito
Many practical and important decision-making problems are complicated by at least two...
Automated guided vehicle controlled flexible manufacturing systems
Maughan Fergus G.
One of the key factors that prevent the implementation of Flexible Manufacturing...
Measurement scales and scale independence in the analytic hierarchy process
Leskinen Pekka
One approach to evaluate the relative performance of decision alternatives with...
Towards a taxonomy of search patterns of manufacturing flexibility in small and medium-sized firms
Braglia Marcello
Manufacturing organizations are experiencing a wide range of forces which make it...
A parameter analysis method for the weight-set to satisfy preference orders of alternatives in additive multi-criteria value models
Ma Jian
In the context of the additive multi-criteria value model, this paper investigates how...
ACADEA – A decision support system for faculty performance reviews
Steuer Ralph E.
ACADEA, a multi-criteria decision support system for the performance review of...
A real-world MCDA application: Evaluating software
Tsoukis A.
A real-world multi-criteria decision aid (MCDA) application on software evaluation is...
The Dempster–Shafer theory of evidence: An alternative approach to multicriteria decision modelling
Curry Bruce
The objective of this paper is to describe the potential offered by the...
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