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Found 17295 papers in total
Total quality management and business process re-engineering: lessons for maintenance management
Competitive pressures on manufacturing organisations have obliged them to look at all...
On the time-dependent occupancy and backlog distributions for the GI/G/∞ queue
We consider an infinite server queueing system. An examination of sample path dynamics...
Constrained service reliability under stochastic demand
Boronico considers the determination of ex ante service reliability in a price-taking,...
A Laplace transform representation in a class of renewal queueing and risk processes
For a class of renewal queueing processes characterized by a rational...
Setups in polling models: Does it make sense to set up if no work is waiting
We compare two versions of a symmetric two-queue polling model with switchover times...
Measuring research quality: Peer review 1, citation indices 0
This short note adds to the debate on the most effective way in which to measure...
A BMAP/SM/1 queuing system with Markovian arrival input of disasters
Disaster arrival in a queuing system with negative arrivals causes all customers to...
On the transient delays of M/G/1 queues
A recent study on the GI/G/ 1 queue derives the Maclaurin series for the moments of...
Large buffer asymptotics for the queue with fractional Brownian input
In this paper, a strong asymptotic estimate for the queue content distribution of a...
Bounds for the total variation distance between the Binomial and the Poisson distribution in case of medium-sized success probabilities
In applied probability, the distribution of a sum of n independent Bernoulli random...
On a single server queue with negative arrivals and request repeated
There is a growing interest in queueing systems with negative arrivals; i.e. where the...
Input control and dispatching rules in a dynamic constant work-in-process flow-shop
The purpose of this paper is to study the input control and dispatching rules that...
Master production scheduling in capacitated sequence-dependent process industries
Traditional approaches to planning and control of manufacturing (MRPII) focus on...
Evolutionary algorithms for flowshop sequencing with non-unique jobs
Sequencing problems are difficult combinatorial problems because of the extremely...
‘Aversion dynamics’ scheduling when the system changes
Real schedulers are observed to avoid scheduling rare and expensive jobs immediately...
Heuristics for minimizing total weighted tardiness in flexible flow shops
Consider a flexible flow shop with s stages in series and at each stage a number of...
Parallel machine batching and scheduling with deadlines
In this paper, we study the problem of scheduling n independent jobs non-preemptively...
A large step random walk for minimizing total weighted tardiness in a job shop
We consider a job shop with m machines. There are n jobs and each job has a specified...
Decomposition methods for reentrant flow shops with sequence-dependent setup times
We consider the problem of scheduling a reentrant flow shop with sequence-dependent...
Non-bottleneck machines in three-machine flow shops
The paper deals with the classical problem of minimizing the makespan in a...
Resource augmentation in load balancing
We consider load balancing in the following setting. The on-line algorithm is allowed...
New algorithms for related machines with temporary jobs
We consider the on-line problem of assigning temporary jobs to related machines. In...
Applying extra-resource analysis to load balancing
Previously, extra-resource analysis has been used to argue that certain on-line...
Fairness in parallel job scheduling
This paper introduces a new preemptive algorithm that is well suited for fair on-line...
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