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A polynomial time approximation scheme for the average weighted completion time problem on unrelated machines
Afrati Foto
We study the problem of scheduling n independent weighted jobs on a constant number of...
Restarts can help in the on-line minimization of the maximum delivery time on a single machine
Hoogeveen Han
We consider a single-machine on-line scheduling problem where jobs arrive over time. A...
On-line scheduling revisited
Fleischer Rudolf
We present a new on-line algorithm, MR , for non-preemptive scheduling of jobs with...
On-line and off-line preemptive two-machine job shop scheduling
Kimbrel Tracy
We consider on-line and off-line algorithms for special cases of preemptive job shop...
Off-line admission control for general scheduling problems
Wein Joel
We consider a class of scheduling problems which includes a variety of problems that...
Using client-variance information to improve dynamic appointment scheduling performance
Rohleder Thomas R.
Clients of services expect short waiting times and servers desire short periods of...
A comparison of four methods for minimizing total tardiness on a single processor with sequence dependent setup times
Rubin Paul A.
Much of the research on operations scheduling problems has either ignored setup times...
A multi-objective approach to simultaneous strategic and operational planning in supply chain design
Beamon Benita M.
In this research, an integrated multi-objective supply chain (SC) model is developed...
Neural network approach to sensitivity and uncertainty analysis
Zio E.
Computer simulation of the dynamic evolution of complex systems has become a...
Quantitative modeling and technology driven departmental course scheduling
Boronico Jess
A multiple objective hierarchical mathematical model is presented which assists...
Classical and modern heuristics for the vehicle routing problem
Laporte Gilbert
This article is a survey of heuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem. It is divided...
The effects of highway transportation corridors on wildlife: A case study of Banff National Park
Alexander Shelley M.
Road fragmentation is a concern for wildlife viability in and adjacent to protected...
A coal shipping and blending problem for an electric utility company
Sherali Hanif D.
In this paper, we address the issues of coal supply and blending pertaining to an...
Development of weapon systems in developing countries: A case study of long range strategies in Taiwan
Jan T.-S.
A long period of economic and industrial development has allowed developing countries...
A data envelopment analysis approach to multicriteria decision problems with incomplete information
Takeda E.
As a decision aid for discrete multicriteria decision problems, this paper proposes a...
Data envelopment analysis with missing data: An application to University libraries in Taiwan
Kao Chiang
In measuring the relative efficiencies of a set of decision making units (DMUs) via...
A game theoretical model of data envelopment analysis efficiency
Wei Q.L.
Motivated by the inherent competitive nature of the DEA efficiency assessment process,...
Operations research and knowledge discovery: A data mining method applied to health care management
Delesie L.
The exponential growth of databanks creates opportunities to expand Operational...
The future for official statistics (The Blackett Memorial Lecture 30th November 1999)
Holt T.
Official Statistics are at the heart of all public policy. They are involved in a...
Resampling for statistical confidentiality in contingency tables
Domingo-Ferrer J.
Resampling schemes, and especially the bootstrap method, were proposed as a subclass...
Updating the forecast function of ARIMA models and the link with DLMs
Butler Neil A.
This paper shows that the whole forecast function of ARIMA time series models, and not...
A measure of time series' predictability using genetic programming applied to stock returns
Kaboudan M.A.
Based on the standard genetic programming (GP) paradigm, we introduce a new...
Time series forecasting using neural networks: Should the data be deseasonalized first?
Remus William
This research investigates whether prior statistical deseasonalization of data is...
Dynamic harmonic regression
Young Peter C.
This paper describes in detail a flexible approach to nonstationary time series...
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