Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Classification accuracy in discriminant analysis: A mixed integer programming approach
Classification models can be developed by statistical or mathematical programming...
Selection and estimation of component models for seasonal time series
We present a method for investigating the evolution of trend and seasonality in an...
The use of canonical correlation analysis to identify the order of multivariate ARMA models: Simulation and application
This paper is concerned with how canonical correlation can be used to identify the...
Can forecasters forecast successfully? Evidence from UK betting markets
This paper investigates the performance of professional racetrack forecasting services...
Evidence for the selection of forecasting methods
Reid was among the first to argue that the relative accuracy of forecasting methods...
Economic and statistical measures of forecast accuracy
This paper argues in favour of a closer link between the decision and the forecast...
Testing for statistical and market efficiency when forecast errors are non-normal: The National Football League betting market revisited
The paper examines the efficiency of the National Football League (NFL) betting...
Estimation and empirical evaluation of the time-dependent Extended-CIR term structure model
Empirical study of 25 years US Treasury bills data shows that even when the spot...
Effect of regressor forecast error on the variance of regression forecasts
It is well understood that the standard formulation for the variance of a...
Forecasting practice: Organisational issues
Although many surveys have been conducted on forecasting practice, the majority of...
Operational research in strategic land-use planning
An important historic strategic application of OR has been in the field of land-use...
Structured-case: A methodological framework for building theory in information systems research
This paper presents a methodological framework, structured-case, that assists IS...
Viable boundary critique
Issue-based problem situations can often be seen as conflicts that must be managed or...
A comprehensive 0–1 goal programming model for project selection
Effective information system (IS) project selection in health service institutions...
A modeling framework for hospital location and service allocation
This paper proposes a modeling framework to plan for the supply and demand matching of...
Variety is the spice of life: Combining soft and hard operational research and management science methods
Some observers have expressed concern over the state of the OR/MS profession,...
Analysing emergency medical service ambulance deployment on a Brazilian highway using the hypercube model
In this study we analyse the ambulance deployment of an emergency medical system on a...
Evaluating soft operational research: Some reflections on an apparently ‘unsuccessful’ implementation using a soft systems methodology based approach
This paper reflects on a case study in which a soft OR problem structuring approach,...
Optimal control of deterministic epidemics
Various deterministic optimal control models for SIR-epidemics are investigated in...
Heuristic approach for assigning workers to tasks based on individual learning rates
A heuristic worker–task assignment based on individual worker learning rates is...
A multiple-depot, multiple-vehicle, location-routing problem with stochastically processed demands
We formulate a multiple-depot, multiple-vehicle, location-routing problem with...
Using simulated annealing to solve the p-hub median problem
Locating hub facilities is important in different types of transportation and...
Trade-offs among the elements of flexibility: A comparison from the automotive industry
Flexibility has long been recognized as a manufacturing capability that has the...
The availability of unmanned air vehicles: A post-case study
An Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) is an unmanned, remotely controlled, small air vehicle....
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