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Found 17295 papers in total
The first K minimum cost paths in a time-schedule network
The time-constrained shortest path problem is an important generalisation of the...
Circular/wrap-around self-organizing map networks: An empirical study in clustering and classification
Kohonen's self-organizing map (SOM) network is one of the most important network...
How to keep good schemata using cross-over operators for permutation problems
The schemata theory proposed by Holland in 1975 for the genetic algorithm approach is...
An improved solution methodology for the arsenal exchange model
We develop an iterative approach for solving a linear programming problem with...
Nonlinear goal programming using multi-objective genetic algorithms
Goal programming is a technique often used in engineering design activities primarily...
An approximation algorithm for parallel machine scheduling with a common server
In this paper we study the scheduling of a given set of jobs on several identical...
Enhancing the performance of constraint programming through the introduction of linear programming
Constraint programming (CP) has been successful in a number of combinatorial search...
A new parallel breadth first tabu seach technique for solving production planning problems
This paper presents a new parallel breadth first oriented tabu search extension, which...
Waiting: integrating social and psychological perspectives in operations management
Waiting time is an important issue in service operations management because of its...
Layout optimization for the objects located within a rotating vessel – a three-dimensional packing problem with behavioral constraints
This paper studies the layout optimization problem of the simplified vessel of...
Penalties, rewards, and inspection: Provisions for quality in supply chain contracts
Rewards for better quality, penalties for poorer quality, and the type of inspection...
A Bayesian approach to service level performance monitoring in supplier, provider relationships
Techniques are presented for monitoring the performance of a delivery service. The...
An improved branching rule for the symmetric travelling salesman problem
This paper presents an improvement to an existing branch and bound algorithm for...
A new procedure to estimate waiting time in GI/G/2 system by server observation
Most GI/G/2 queueing formulae need the variance of inter-arrival time, which is in...
Linear programming applied to the flower sector: A Gladiolus bulb production case study
Mathematical modeling structure was developed to support representative Brazilian bulb...
Analysis of a multi-server queue with two priority classes and (M, N)-threshold service schedule I: Non-preemptive priority
In this paper, we propose an ( M, N )-threshold non-preemptive priority service...
An incentive charging scheme for video-on-demand
Video-on-demand (VOD) systems can provide either an individual service or batch...
Statistical multiplexing of correlated variable-length packet trains: An analytic performance study
We consider a statistical multiplexer which is modeled as a discrete-time...
Robust separation of finite sets via quadratics
Given a pair of finite disjoint sets A and B in R n , a fundamental problem with many...
The cost of weather in a floating oil production system
New oil fields are being developed in deeper water where conventional production...
Assessing systems for offshore emergency evacuation
Emergency evacuation is a rare event in the offshore oil industry. Nonetheless,...
Shape-preserving computation in economic growth models
We point out the shape characteristics – monotonicity and concavity – of...
IDEA (Imprecise Data Envelopment Analysis) with CMDs (Column Maximum Decision Making Units)
IDEA (Imprecise Data Envelopment Analysis) extends DEA so it can simultaneously treat...
Validating absolute weight bounds in data envelopment analysis models
The Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes (CCR) DEA model and its linear forms maximise the...
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