Minimizing the makespan on a batch machine with non-identical job sizes: An exact procedure

Minimizing the makespan on a batch machine with non-identical job sizes: An exact procedure

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Article ID: iaor20023207
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 29
Issue: 7
Start Page Number: 807
End Page Number: 819
Publication Date: Jun 2002
Journal: Computers and Operations Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: heuristics, programming: branch and bound

A batch processing machine can simultaneously process several jobs forming a batch. This paper considers the problem of scheduling jobs with non-identical capacity requirements, on a single-batch processing machine of a given capacity, to minimize the makespan. The processing time of a batch is equal to the largest processing time of any job in the batch. We present some dominance properties for a general enumeration scheme and for the makespan criterion, and provide a branch and bound method. For large-scale problems, we use this enumeration scheme as a heuristic method.


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