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Analysis via goal programming of the minimum achievable stay in surgical waiting lists
Caballero R.
In this paper, a Goal Programming model is developed in order to study the possibility...
A simulated annealing approach to police district design
Batta Rajan
This paper considers the problem of redistricting or redrawing police command...
Reconfiguring police reporting districts in the city of Buffalo
Batta Rajan
This paper describes a study that was undertaken to reconfigure the police reporting...
Making steel cool – an intelligent search strategy for optimising water spray settings on a continuous caster
Vasko Francis J.
Optimising the water spray settings on a continuous casting machine in the steel...
Kicking timetabling problems into touch – scheduling the 1999 Rugby World Cup
Thompson Jonathan
The schedule for the 1999 Rugby Union World Cup had to satisfy the Organising...
A multiple period capacitated inventory model for airline fuel management: A case study
Zouein P.P.
One of the major operating cost items of an airline company is fuel, which can amount...
Regulating the domestic air travel in India: An umpire's game
Bhaumik P.K.
This paper analyses the competitive strategies available to an Indian airline in a...
Locating stations on rapid transit lines
Laporte Gilbert
When the alignment of a new line or section of a line of a rapid transit system has...
Response surface methodology applied to toll plaza design for the transition to electronic toll collection
Gupta Surendra M.
Electronic toll collection (ETC) holds the promise of greatly reduced congestion at...
Genetic algorithms for the bus driver scheduling problem: A case study
Dias T.G.
This paper describes an application of genetic algorithms to the bus driver scheduling...
Heuristic solutions to the problem of routing school buses with multiple objectives
Laguna M.
In this paper we address the problem of routing school buses in a rural area. We...
Stowage planning in maritime container transportation
Kim Y.-D.
We consider a stowage-planning problem of arranging containers on a container ship in...
Ship scheduling of fertilizer products
Fox Mike
This article describes a Mixed Integer Programming model to schedule ships with a...
Ordering the alternatives of a strategic plan for Valencia (Spain)
Aragones Pablo
In this article we present an evaluation of the initiatives involved in a Strategic...
Comparative performance measurement in regulation: The case of England and Welsh sewerage services
Thanassoulis Emmanuel
This paper discusses the use of comparative performance measurement by means of Data...
Hanford waste blending and the value of research: Stochastic optimization as a policy tool
Johnson Timothy Lawrence
A new approach to stochastic, combinatorial optimization is presented through its...
Unified approach to linear quadratic regulator with time-scale property
Naidu D. Subbaram
A method for decomposition of unified (continuous/discrete) linear quadratic regulator...
Optimal weighting design for distributed parameter systems estimation
Ouarit Mostafa
This paper presents a method which aims at improving parameter estimation in dynamical...
Optimal and sub-optimal control in Dengue epidemics
Yoneyama Takashi
This work concerns the application of the optimal control theory to Dengue epidemics....
Generalized sampled-data hold functions for robust multivariable tracking and disturbance rejection
Werner Herbert
A new design procedure for a multivariable sampled-data output feedback controller...
The optimal feedback control of the linear–quadratic control problem with a control inequality constraint
Mao Yunying
In this paper, we consider the linear–quadratic control problem with an...
A new fuzzy multi-criteria methodology for ranking of alternatives
Petrovic Radivoj
In this paper a new methodology is given for ranking a finite number of alternatives...
Improving an optimization-based framework for sensitivity analysis in multi-criteria decision-making
Proll L.G.
The framework for sensitivity analysis in discrete multi-criteria decision analysis...
Two new cases of rank reversals when the analytic hierarchy process and some of its additive variants are used that do not occur with the multiplicative AHP
Triantaphyllou Evangelos
Many researchers have long observed some cases in which certain ranking irregularities...
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