Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Cost-tolerance analysis model based on a neural networks method
The purpose of tolerance design in product components is to produce a product with the...
Novel algorithmic approach to generate the ‘number of passes’ and ‘depth of cuts’ for the optimisation routines of multipass machining
A novel heuristic algorithm is proposed to generate feasible neighbouring solutions...
Optimization of multiple responses using a fuzzy-rule based inference system
The optimization of multiple responses (or performance characteristics) has received...
Modelling and optimisation of a gas metal arc welding process by genetic algorithm and response surface methodology
The welding process, due to its complexity, has relied on empirical and experimental...
Optimal decision making using cost accounting information
The primary objective of this paper was to compare the results of using four different...
Hybrid genetic algorithm and simulated annealing approach for the optimisation of process plans for prismatic parts
For a CAPP system in a dynamic workshop environment, the activities of selecting...
Assessing computer numerical control machines using data envelopment analysis
This paper reports on an application of data envelopment analysis (DEA) to evaluate...
A product-configuration-driven system for assembly planning within a product data management environment
This paper describes the results of a project sponsored by the Engineering and Physics...
Motivation for ISO 14000 certification: Development of a predictive model
Environmental issues have become critical concerns of businesses in recent years. The...
Performance-based optimal selection of cutting conditions and cutting tools in multipass turning operations using genetic algorithms
The paper presents a new methodology involving the use of genetic algorithms for the...
Variable precision rough set theory and data discretisation: An application to corporate failure prediction
Since the seminal work of Pawlak rough set theory (RST) has evolved into a rule-based...
Comparative study of simulated annealing, genetic algorithms and tabu search for solving binary and comprehensive machine-grouping problems
Machine/part grouping problems have proven to be NP-complete and cannot be solved in...
Forty years of IFORS
In 1999 IFORS (The International Federation of Operational Research Societies)...
Wafer bin map recognition using a neural network approach
Although the fabrication of modern integrated circuits uses highly automatic and...
Blackett the father of OR
Blackett, who during the second world war played a key role in initiating the...
A transiently chaotic neural network approach to the design of cellular manufacturing
The design of Cellular Manufacturing Systems (CMS) has attained the significant...
Women in the information technology profession: A literature review, synthesis and research agenda
Gender differences in IT careers appear to be affecting the competitiveness of...
Simulation metamodelling with neural networks: An experimental investigation
Artificial neural networks are often proposed as an alternative approach for...
The use of multimethodology in practice – results of a survey of practitioners
There is now a vast range of techniques and methodologies, both hard and soft,...
Modelling and analysis of business process reengineering
Business process design and business process reengineering (BPR) depend crucially on...
Beyond comparisons – the role for the operational researcher in benchmarking
This paper explores the possible roles for the operational researcher in best practice...
The analytic hierarchy process: Can wash criteria be ignored?
We define a wash criterion as one where the decision-maker is indifferent among the...
Gated MaxWIP: A strategy for controlling multistage production systems
This study considers serial production systems with exponential processing times. The...
Disassembly line in product recovery
There are several situations in a product recovery environment where products may be...
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