Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Optimal price and lot size when the supplier offers a temporary price reduction over an interval
Manufacturers and other suppliers offer temporary reduction in the price charged to...
A new characterization for the dynamic lot size problem with bounded inventory
In this paper, we address the dynamic lot size problem with storage capacity. As in...
Inequality–equality constrained optimization: An analytical robustness comparison of a feasibility method versus L1 sequential quadratic programming
In this work we present an analytical robustness comparison of two methods for...
Nonparametric identification of daily activity durations using kernel density estimators
Modeling of activity duration has become an important aspect in characterizing...
Some applications of the clustered travelling salesman problem
The purpose of this article is to describe several applications of the clustered...
Analysis of M/M/S queues with 1-limited service
In this paper, a multiple server queue, in which each server takes a vacation after...
A probabilistic greedy search algorithm for combinatorial optimisation with application to the set covering problem
We present a probabilistic greedy search method for combinatorial optimisation...
A unified mixed logit framework for modeling revealed and stated preferences: Formulation and application to congestion pricing analysis in the San Francisco Bay area
This paper formulates and applies a unified mixed-logit framework for joint analysis...
Traffic simulation models for rural road network management
The impetus for this research paper stems from the current deterioration of the rural...
Detecting shifts in the mean of a simulation output process
The application of the correct simulatin output analysis technique requires a...
Including principal component weights to improve discrimination in data envelopment analysis
This research further develops the combined use of principal component analysis (PCA)...
Evaluating public school district performance via data envelopment analysis gain functions
Existing measures of input allocative efficiency may be biased when estimated via data...
A methodology for sensitivity analysis of models fitted to data using statistical methods
A simple methodology is presented for sensitivity analysis of models that have been...
A comparison of chance-constrained data envelopment analysis and stochastic frontier analysis: Bank efficiency in Taiwan
We employed both chance-constrained data envelopment analysis (CCDEA) and stochastic...
A Bayesian framework for the combination of classifier outputs
We explore a Bayesian framework for constructing combinations of classifier outputs,...
Evaluating the predictive accuracy of volatility models
Standard statistical loss functions, such as mean-squared error, are commonly used for...
Robust modelling of ARCH models
The autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (ARCH) model and its extensions have...
Impulse response analysis in vector autoregressions with unknown lag order
We show that the effects of overfitting and underfitting a vector autoregressive (VAR)...
Bicorrelations and cross-bicorrelations as non-linearity tests and tools for exchange rate forecasting
This paper proposes and implements a new methodology for forecasting time series,...
Exponential smoothing of seasonal data: A comparison
A parsimonious method of exponential smoothing is introduced for time series generated...
Sensitivity of univariate AR(1) time-series forecasts near the unit root
We consider the linear time-series model y t = d t + u t (t = 1,...,n) where d t...
A forecasting comparison of classical and Bayesian methods for modelling logistic diffusion
A Bayesian procedure for forecasting S-shaped growth is introduced and compared to...
Guaranteed-content prediction intervals for non-linear autoregressions
In this paper we present guaranteed-content prediction intervals for time series data....
Identification of asymmetric prediction intervals through causal forces
When causal forces are specified, the expected direction of the trend can be compared...
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