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Modeling and solving the dynamic user equilibrium route and departure time choice problem in network with queues
Huang Hai-Jun
This paper considers a simultaneous route and departure time choice equilibrium...
Potential demand for alternative fuel vehicles
Dagsvik John K.
This paper analyzes the potential demand for alternative fuel vehicles. The...
An environmental–economic evaluation of hybrid electric vehicles: Toyota's Prius vs. its conventional internal combustion engine Corolla
Lave Lester B.
We compare the second generation of the first commercial hybrid electric vehicle...
Reversibility of the time-dependent shortest path problem
Daganzo Carlos F.
Time-dependent shortest path problems arise in a variety of applications; e.g.,...
A modified trust region algorithm
Zhu Zong-wu
In this article, we propose an algorithm which solves unconstrained optimization...
Group-based optimization of a time-dependent TRANSYT traffic model for area traffic control
Wong S.C.
In this paper, a time-dependent TRANSYT traffic model is developed for the evaluation...
Behaviour of a whole-link travel time model used in dynamic traffic assignment
Carey Malachy
Whole-link models of traffic flows have been widely used in mathematical programming...
An improved genetic algorithm for facility layout problems having inner structure walls and passages
Lee Kyu-Yeul
This study proposes an improved genetic algorithm to derive solutions for facility...
Cutting plane methods based on the analytic barrier for minimization of a convex function subject to box-constraints
Beer Klaus
We analyze three variants of analytic barrier methods for minimization of a convex...
A branch and bound method for stochastic integer problems under probabilistic constraints
Ruszczyski Andrzej
Stochastic integer programming problems under probabilistic constraints are...
On a dual method for a specially structured linear programming problem with application to stochastic programming
Prkopa Andrs
This article revises and improves on a Dual Type Method, developed by Prékopa,...
An infeasible interior-point method with nonmonotonic complementarity gaps
Gasparo Maria Grazia
This article describes an infeasible interior-point (IP) method for solving monotone...
LPAKO: A simplex-based linear programming program
Park Soondal
LPAKO is a public domain simplex-based linear programming program which can solve...
Discovering the characteristics of mathematical programs via sampling
Chinneck John W.
It is often important to know more about the characteristics of a mathematical program...
Determining compromise weights for group decision making
Yan H.
In our early work, we described a minimax principle based procedure of preference...
Solution algorithms for a nonhomogeneous multi-component inspection model
Christer A.H.
In this paper, we present three solution algorithms for an established multi-component...
Managing single echelon inventories through demand aggregation and the feasibility of a correlation matrix
Evers Philip T.
This paper examines the assertion that partial pooling of customers is sometimes...
Supply interruptions in a lost–sales inventory system with random lead time
Mohebbi Esmail
This paper presents an analytical model for computing the stationary distribution of...
A Riccati-based primal interior point solver for multistage stochastic programming – extensions
Blomvall Jrgen
We show that a Riccati-based Multistage Stochastic Programming Solver for problems...
SISP: Simplified interface for stochastic programming establishing a hard link between mathematical programming modeling languages and SMPS codes
King Alan J.
The aim of this article is to propose a general approach to link a stochastic...
Minimax analysis of stochastic problems
Shapiro Alexander
In practical applications of stochastic programming the involved probability...
An inventory replenishment policy for deteriorating items with shortages and partial backlogging
Wang Sheng-Pen
It has long been assumed that the shortages in inventory systems are either completely...
The integer programming background of a stochastic integer programming algorithm of Dentcheva–Prékopa–Ruszczyński
Vizvri Bla
This paper analyzes the algorithmic tools presented by Dentcheva et al . The emphasis...
Optimal pricing and ordering policies for retailers under order-size-dependent delay in payments
Hwang Hark
This paper deals with the problem of determining the retailer's optimal price and...
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