Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Experimental evidence on robustness of data envelopment analysis
There is an on-going debate about variable selection in data envelopment analysis...
A potential use of data envelopment analysis for the inverse classification problem
We propose a methodology that uses data envelopment analysis (DEA) for solving the...
Multivariate analysis and rough sets: Two approaches for software-quality analysis
Computer programs are becoming more and more complex and voluminous in most firms....
Cooperative advertising, game theory and manufacturer–retailer supply chains
Cooperative (co-op) advertising plays a significant role in marketing programs in...
Forecasting and recombining time-series components by using neural networks
Operations and other business decisions often depend on accurate time-series...
A coloring problem with restrictions of adjacent colors
The coloring problem is a well-known problem of graphs. This paper considers a new...
Integrating management judgement and statistical methods to improve short-term forecasts
The complementary strengths that management judgement and statistical methods can...
Influence of user participation on decision support systems use and decision accuracy
The paper reports a study of the impact on user satisfaction and forecast accuracy of...
Education, training and development policies and practices in medium-sized companies in the UK: do they really influence firm performance?
This paper sets out to examine the relationship between training and firm performance...
Beyond methodology choice: critical systems thinking as critically systemic discourse
Professional competence in applied disciplines such as OR/MS requires both technical...
A classification of the philosophical assumptions of management science methods
This paper presents a framework within which to examine and compare the main...
A fast approximation algorithm for the subset-sum problem
The subset-sum problem (SSP) is defined as follows: given a positive integer bound and...
A higher-order Markov model for the Newsboy's problem
Markov models are commonly used in modelling many practical systems such as...
Soft methods in primary schools: Focusing on IT strategies
New legislation has been imposed on Danish primary schools to increase the use of...
Business school research: bridging the gap between producers and consumers
There has been a great deal of continuing discussion concerning the seemingly...
Reconsidering the exploration of power distance: an active case study approach
In this paper, we present what we call an ‘active case study’ and we...
The importance of operations management problems in service organizations
This article reports on the research to empirically determine which operations...
Journal characteristics, rankings and social acculturation in operations management
Over the past 15 years, there have been several attempts in operations management to...
Identifying non-competitive bids in construction contract auctions
Construction contract auctions are characterised by (1) anticipated high outliers due...
The effect of the Bootstrap method on additive fixed data perturbation in statistical database
In the information age, more and more data are stored in databases. Some data are...
Process-oriented knowledge management: A case study
Most knowledge repositories store documents organized by subject areas. In...
A fully subjective approach to capital equipment replacement
The timing of replacement of equipment is dependent on factors like replacement costs,...
Optimal routing in non-geostationary satellite Asynchronous Transmission Mode networks with intersatellite link capacity constraints
The trend toward broadband communications in space is foreseeable, and its features...
Management and business ethics: A critique and integration of ethical decision-making models
This paper critically reviews the literature relating to the management of ethics...
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