Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Structure and analysis of information systems decision-making processes
Decisions to invest in information systems (IS) are made by many organisations on a...
A conceptual model for researching the creation and operation of supply networks
This paper presents a conceptual model for the creation and operation of supply...
Optimal control of double-deck elevator group using genetic algorithm
We shall introduce the principles of optimal routing of double-deck elevators. The...
Layout modeling and construction procedure for the arrangement of exhibition spaces in a fair
This paper tackles a subset of layout problems that is not a subject of the scientific...
New heuristic for the dynamic layout problem
The dynamic layout problem addresses the situation where the traffic among the various...
A spring-embedding approach for the facility layout problem
The facility layout problem is concerned with finding the most efficient arrangement...
A note on an order-level inventory model for a deteriorating item with time-dependent quadratic demand
An order-level inventory problem is discussed with the demand rate being represented...
A multi-warehouse inventory model for items with time-varying demand and shortages
This paper develops a deterministic replenishment model with multiple warehouses (one...
Robust optimization for fleet planning under uncertainty
We create a formulation and a solution procedure for fleet sizing under uncertainty in...
Transport stated choice responses: effects of task complexity, presentation format and literacy
The impact of respondent burden and task complexity on quality of stated choice (SC)...
A model for time of day and mode choice using error components logit
The severity of road congestion not only depends on the relation between traffic...
Modeling lateral transshipments in multiechelon repairable-item inventory systems with finite repair channels
This article concerns the problem of determining the optimal spare inventory level for...
Modelling an industrial strategy for inventory management in supply chains; the ‘Consignment Stock’ case
Stock control in Supply Chain management is of concern here, particularly an...
Optimizing inventory decisions in a multi-stage multi-customer supply chain
Most supply chain models focus on two-stage chains in which vendors supply material to...
The economic lot size of the integrated vendor–buyer inventory system derived without derivatives
In previous modellings of the vendor–buyer system, the buyer's economic order...
Optimal deviations from an asset allocation
Institutional investors have long recognized that asset allocation is the most crucial...
A cellular heuristic for the multisource Weber problem
The multisource location–allocation problem in the continuous space is...
Locating service facilities whose reliability is distance dependent
We consider the problem where there is a probability, depending on the distance from...
Locating manufacturing and distribution centers: an integrated supply chain-based spatial interaction approach
This study investigates the facility location problem of transnational personal...
Two alternative imperfect multiaction maintenance models
Systems such as civil structures (e.g. building and bridges) and...
Optimal replacement of a system according to a semi-Markov decision process in a semi-Markov environment
This paper investigates an optimal replacement problem of a system in a semi-Markov...
How the resource-based and the dynamic capability views of the firm inform corporate-level strategy
This paper explains that the resource-based view essentially addresses issues of...
Knowledge complementarity and coordination in the local supply chain: some empirical evidence
Knowledge, managed or coordinated as a strategic resource, can help to internalize...
Managing from the inside out: drawing on ‘receptivity’ to explain variation in strategy implementation
With the rise of ‘New Public Management’ (NPM), government policy has...
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