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Single-machine scheduling with periodic maintenance and nonresumable jobs
Chen W.J.
We study a single-machine scheduling problem where periodic maintenance is required in...
A note on the maximum number of on-time jobs on parallel identical machines
Mosheiov Gur
This note addresses the scheduling problem of minimizing the number of on-time jobs....
A mathematical model and heuristic procedure to schedule printed circuit packs on sequencers
Ghrayeb Omar A.
This paper considers the NP-hard problem of scheduling printed circuit packs (PCPs) on...
Selection of dispatching rules on multiple dispatching decision points in real-time scheduling of a semiconductor wafer fabrication system
Hyeung-Sik Min
Semiconductor wafer fabrication involves one of the most complex manufacturing...
Using Functional Virtual Population as assistance to learn scheduling knowledge in dynamic manufacturing environments
Li Der-Chang
When a scheduling environment is static and system attributes are deterministic, a...
Integrated assembly plan generation system for grouped product families
Lai Hsin-Yi
An innovative methodology named ASP-LMPR for the computerized generation of assembly...
An efficient algorithm for automatic machining sequence planning in milling operations
Tolouei-Rad Majid
Machining sequence planning can be considered as one of the most important functions...
Satisfying due-dates in a job shop with sequence-dependent family set-ups
Taner Mehmet R.
This paper addresses job shop scheduling with sequence dependent family set-ups. Based...
Board sequencing and component loading problem for a single machine in printed circuit board assembly planning
Hop Nguyen Van
Most current research sequentially solves the board sequencing and component-loading...
Modelling and performance of distributed algorithm for scheduling dissimilar machines with set-up
Prabhu V.V.
Distributed arrival time control is a highly decentralised scheduling approach where...
Scheduling in dynamic assembly job-shops with jobs having different holding and tardiness costs
Rajendran C.
Most studies on scheduling in dynamic job-shops assume that the holding cost of a job...
Complexity results for parallel machine problems with a single server
Werner Frank
Parallel machine problems with a single server are generalizations of classical...
Scheduling chains on uniform processors with communication delays
Kubiak Wieslaw
We show that the problem of scheduling chains of unit execution time (UET) jobs on...
The complexity of two group scheduling problems
Blazewicz Jacek
The problems of scheduling groups of jobs under the group technology assumption are...
A heuristic approach to allocating the continuous resource in discrete–continuous scheduling problems to minimize the makespan
Jzefowska Joanna
A problem of scheduling jobs on parallel, identical machines under an additional...
Performance evaluation of a family of criss-cross algorithms for linear programming
Maculan Nelson
In this article we evaluate a family of criss-cross algorithms for linear programming...
A stock location rule for a low level picker-to-part system
Hwang Hark
This paper deals with the problem of assigning warehouse space to inventory items in a...
Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for the risk–return trade-off in bank loan management
Deb Kalyanmoy
Multi-criteria decision-making is an increasingly accepted tool for decision-making in...
Detecting local convexity on the Pareto surface
Wiecek Margaret M.
Recent regain in interest in multi-criteria optimization approaches to provide a...
Visiting a network of services with time constraints
Gentili Monica
A set of facilities is connected by a transportation network, where the weight of each...
A heuristic approach to the overnight security service problem
Calvo R. Wolfler
This paper introduces the overnight security service problem. The model obtained is a...
The homogeneity restriction and forecasting performance of VAR-type demand systems: an empirical examination of US meat consumption
Bessler David A.
This paper compares the forecast performance of vector-autoregression-type (VAR)...
Decentralized control strategies for dynamic routing
ftar Altu
The routing problem in a multi-destination data communication networks is considered....
Nesting of two-dimensional parts in multiple plates using hybrid algorithm
Wu Tai-Hsi
Hybrid heuristic algorithms are proposed for the nesting of two-dimensional...
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