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Stochastic resource-constrained scheduling for repetitive construction projects with uncertain supply of resources and funding
Yang I-Tung
In this paper, we schedule construction projects that are repetitively performed by...
Decision support system for selecting the proper project delivery method using analytical hierarchy process (AHP)
Mahdi Ibrahim M.
Owners are presented with different options for their project delivery process, which...
A cutting stock problem and its solution in the manufacturing industry of large electric generators
Cui Yaodong
T-shape cutting patterns are applied in the manufacturing of circular and sectorial...
A combined approach to the solution to the general one-dimensional cutting stock problem
Gradisar Miro
In this article a combined method for the solution to the general one-dimensional...
Flexibility-enabled lead-time reduction in flexible systems
Chan Felix T.S.
This paper presents the results of a conceptual study and simulation experimentation...
Rescheduling parallel machines with stepwise increasing tardiness and machine assignment stability objectives
Curry J.
Nervousness in machine assignments during rescheduling can cause problems for the...
Global optimization of a feature-based process sequence using GA (genetic algorithm) and ANN (artificial neural networks) techniques
Ding Lian
Operation sequencing has been a key area of research and development for...
The modified critical ratio: towards seqencing with a continuous decision domain
Abu-Suleiman Amr
This research introduces a new sequencing rule, known as the modified critical ratio...
An improved initial basis for the Simplex algorithm
Lins Marcos Pereira Estellita
A lot of research has been done to find a faster (polynomial) algorithm that can solve...
Coordination of set-ups between two stages of a supply chain using multi-objective genetic algorithms
Mansouri S. Afshin
A multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) solution approach for a sequencing problem...
Augmented Lagrangian method for large-scale linear programming problems
Golikov A.I.
The augmented Lagrangian and Newton methods are used to simultaneously solve the...
A genetic algorithm approach to the balanced allocation of customers to multiple warehouses with varying capacities
Min Hokey
With the increasing importance of seamless supply chain integration to business...
Three new metrics to measure the convergence of metaheuristics towards the Pareto frontier and the aesthetic of a set of solutions in biobjective optimization
Siarry P.
In this paper, some new quality metrics concerning the evaluation of performance of...
Feature-based design for process planning of machining processes with optimization using genetic algorithms
Singh D. Kingsly Jeba
The development of a feature-based design environment that can be applied in the...
Impact of WEEE-directive on reverse logistics in Germany
Spengler Thomas
Purpose – Owing to new legal requirements, essential changes in the field of...
Delaunay partitions in Rn applied to non-convex programs and vertex/facet enumeration problems
Falk James E.
Using a pair of theorems linking Delaunay partitions and linear programming, we...
The lot size-reorder level inventory system with customers impatience functions
Sicilia J.
In this paper, we study a continuous review inventory model with deterministic demand....
Inventory of damageable items with variable replenishment and unit production cost via simulated annealing method
Maiti Manoranjan
Items made of glass, ceramic, etc. are normally stored in stacks and get damaged...
A framework algorithm to compute optimal asset allocation for retirement with behavioral utilities
Murray Walter
The question of optimal strategic asset allocation for investors with behavioural...
Optimization of a long–short portfolio under nonconvex transaction cost
Konno Hiroshi
The purpose of this paper is to propose a practical branch and bound algorithm for...
On extending the linear programming computable risk measures to account downside risk
Ogryczak Wlodzimierz
A mathematical model of portfolio optimization is usually quantified with mean-risk...
Determination of the candidate arc set for the asymmetric traveling salesman problem
Kang Maing-Kyu
As size of the traveling salesman problem (TSP) increases, it is unreasonable to find...
Analytic and numerical aspects of batch service queues with single vacation
Gupta U.C.
This paper deals with an M/G/1 batch service queue where customers are served in...
Service and capacity allocation in M/G/c/c state-dependent queueing networks
Smith J. MacGregor
The problem of service and capacity allocation in state-dependent M/G/ c / c queueing...
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