Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Replacement problems for a cold standby repairable system
In this paper, a cold standby repairable system consisting of two identical components...
Optimization with generalized invexity
Constrained optimization is studied, with nonsmooth (Lipschitz) functions in abstract...
New search algorithm for solving the maintenance scheduling problem for a family of machines
In many real-world applications, the cost associate with maintenance could be very...
The impact of managers' experience on the internationalisation process: the case of UK biopharmaceutical SMEs
Companies internationalise as a result of many factors, internal and/or external. The...
Logistics outsourcing practices in the UK: a survey
Outsourcing is widely regarded as a useful approach to lowering costs and gaining...
Initial deals of unimodular integer programs
This article concerns the initial ideal computation for toric ideals, which arises in...
Approximate solutions for the maximum benefit Chinese postman problem
The Maximum Benefit Chinese Postman Problem (MBCPP) is an interesting and practical...
On the Guignard constraint qualification for mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints
We recapitulate the well-known fact that most of the standard constraint...
On duality theory of convex semi-infinite programming
In this article we discuss weak and strong duality properties of convex semi-infinite...
Stability analysis of the Pareto optimal solutions for some vector Boolean optimization problem
In this article we consider the Boolean optimization problem of finding the set of...
Unconstrained optimization reformulation of the generalized nonlinear complementarity problem and related method
In this article, we first propose an unconstrained optimization reformulation of the...
Global minimization algorithms for concave quadratic programming problems
In this article, we consider the concave quadratic programming problem which is known...
Customer responsive supply chain strategy: An unnatural act?
There has been a shift in the last few years from prescriptive models of supply chain...
Axiomatic analysis of auction rules
An auction is an example of a resource allocation rule. The auction procedure operates...
Risk as value: combining affect and analysis in risk judgments
Studies of public perceptions of hazardous activities and technologies include a wide...
A networked engineering portal to support distributed supply chain partnership
In this paper, the authors discuss the latest advancement of supply chain management...
A simulation study with quantity flexibility in a supply chain subjected to uncertainties
Coordination in supply chains is of vital importance to reduce the impact of system...
Organisational forms and knowledge management: one size fits all?
In the new economy, a firm's sustainable competitive advantage flows from its ability...
Analysing the value of knowledge management leading to innovation
In today's fierce business competition, innovation fuels organisational growth, drives...
Performance of automated storage/retrieval systems with non-square-in-time racks and two-class storage
We determine the mean and variance of the single and dual command travel time for...
A methodology for solving the unequal area facility layout problem using distance and shape-based measures
This paper presents a methodology for solving the unequal area facility layout problem...
Production planning and operation in competence-cell-based networks
Competence-cell-based networks represent an original organisational form for the...
Optimal inspection policies with predictive and preventive maintenance
A model is proposed to study the inspection and maintenance policy of systems whose...
Repeat inspection planning using dynamic programming
In this paper we propose a dynamic programming approach to the problem of...
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